Ok an update.
I tried mannually mounting the share via mount_smbfs.
Since it defaults to whatever the owner and group IDs from the directory
where the volume is mounted, I got 755 for all the files. But when I
chmod anything the change doesn't take.
Is there something seriously wrong with the samba client in Tiger?
It just doesn't make any sense that I can't change file permissions on
this smb share mounted on a mac. Especially when I can do it from a
windows machine.
Any thoughts?
derek wrote:
> Hello,
> We share out user home dirs from a a solaris server via samba. On a
> windows machine I can change file permissions to files in my samba
> home dir. From OS X 10.4.2 all the files are at 700 and chmod does
> nothing to them. From the GUI get info just says that I can read and
> write. The smb.conf on the sun server has the following entries under
> the [home] section:
> browseable = no
> read only = no
> create mode = 0700
> directory mode = 0700
> wide links = no
> hide dot files = yes
> any help would be appreciated. I have also bound the mac to the
> windows domain and it logs me on and auto connects the samba home dir
> fine, I just can't change file permissions.
> Thanks,
> Derek
Derek Pearson
Systems Administrator
Baskin School of Engineering