Sorry to bother those of you who are faced with issues probably not as trivial my concern, but I am hitting a brick wall. I am upgrading from Samba 2.2.5 to 3.0.14a on a Solaris 8 box. I have configured, run make, makepkg and installed using pkgadd. I am using the same smbpasswd file and smb.conf file I used with 2.2.5. However, these files are now in the /etc/samba directory rather than the directory where Samba is installed. When I start the smbd and nmbd daemons (as follows), /opt/samba-3.0.14a/sbin/smdb -D /opt/samba-3.0.14a/sbin/nmdb -D I am able to see (on WinXp SP1) the two UNIX file systems that I have mapped to the F: and G: drives. Things seem to be OK. However, when a second user tries the same thing, the Windows Explorer locks up and the Unix file system is not recognized. If the explorer is killed, all of the XP icons (and the entire desktop) is erased until I kill the Samba processes. It feels like there is only one connection being allowed. I set the 'max connections' flag in the smb.conf file but it made no difference. I have searched the docs included with the installation, but since I am not really sure what I am looking for (what is causing the problem) I have not found a solution. Is there something elementary that I have failed to realize or is there a ton of modifications required to the .conf file for 3.0.14a which I have not addressed (since I am using the same smb.conf used with 2.2.5). Thank you for any insight you may have on what I have missed. Lance Murri 208 526 2661