Sorry if I repeating myself, but I am not sure, that my email was sent
to the list. I hope, that somebody has bad or good experience in running
2 Samba services on one host or running parallel 2 Samba instances in
Veritas Cluster Server environment.
With best regards
My previous email :
I have a question about running two SMBD daemons on one host. Background
for this request is Samba failover in parallel services mode. The actual
requirement is to start Samba processes bind to specific IP address.
This can be done by specifying following parameters in smb.conf file :
interfaces =
bind interfaces only = yes
But nmbd process always is listening on *, instead of specific
interface. So does it mean, that nmbd should be started once on a hosts
event two smbd daemons will run ? Maybe running two smbd's on one node
is not a good idea at all ? But how to deal with failovering IP address
in case of one smbd process ?
Does anybody have experience in running two smbd daemons with different
configuration options on one host and can share his/her experience ? Or
running smbd service as parallel service in clustered environment on two
nodes ?
Thank you for any tips and/or advises.
With best regards