abebe lsslp schrieb:
> I have this problem...
> I am working on implimenting a school network. I have two kinds of users on
my network: students and facutly. I have also two types of operating system on
my network: win 98 and win XPP.
> Here is the rights and privilages I am thinking about giving my users
> Students (usage only in computer labs):
> - limited roaming profile (basically, deny desktop roaming profile)
> - give them access to some network devices: printers and file servers.
> Faculty (usage in offices):
> - give them access to network devices: mainly file servers
> - keep profile on local computers (I am afraid roaming profile will take
long authentication time as a result of loading profiles)
> How can I address this issue, especially for Faculty. I don't want the
samba PDC to interfere with whatever they have on their local computer.
> Thanks!
> Ambex
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Hi, make use of smb groupmapping this will solve your problem,
win98 needs the profile in users homes ( no real problem )
but you know win98 ist not a domain working os at all,
roaming profiles will work ok if you have a good network ( 100/ethernet )
the biggest problem you will see if you log in in a profile which was
created by win98 on a winxp prof machine and vice versa.
It will technical work but it will look terrrible and will confuse Users.
I recommend to switch all win clients to win 2000 serv pack 4