Breast cancer can be prevented? Let's be together in the fight for life! - - - - For more information contact Romanian Cancer League: Address: 1-5 Calea Victoriei, sc.B, et.VI, ap.72, sector 3, Bucharest, Romania; Tel: +40.21-314.69.23; +40.21-314.69.33; Fax: +40.21-313.24.98; Email: Web: - - - - This message was sent to you because your address was founded on a public site or you chose to get the RCL-ALERT Health Newsletter. We use all means to invite you to know and benefit of our free programs regarding "smoking cessation". We want to inform corectly and professionally all peoples about tobacco use and what threat it repersents. The message can't be seen like a spam because it contains all contacts information of the expeditor. We understand and appreciate your intimacy and we appologize if this message arrived to you from mistake. If in the future you don't want to receive our information please use the address or sent an e-mail to adddress To avoid all troubles please mention all alternative e-mail addresses that you want to be deleted from our data base, other than e-mail address where you received this message.