Michael Vert
2003-Dec-20 02:26 UTC
[Samba] smbfs, strange sym link import, starting with kernel 2.6.0
After installing kernel 2.6.0 on a samba client machine, the following problem occurred: The server: One machine in the networks acts as a file server using samba 2.2.3. (Debian-Woody). It exports one share to the network. The directory structure below that share contains a few subdirectories as well as a few sym links pointing to directories on other hard disks in the server machine. Samba is instructed to follow sym links. (for this example: symdir -> /mnt/drive4/moredata/) The client: Debian unstable using samba 3.0.0. The share is imported using the following /etc/fstab entry: //somename/stuff /mnt/server smbfs defaults,auto,username=XXXXX,password=XXXXX 0 0 The problem on the client machine: Under kernel 2.4.x all works as expected. When I change into 'symdir', I see the content of /mnt/drive4/moredata on the server machine. With 2.6.0, the sym link itself (/mnt/drive4/moredata) is imported. 'ls -l /mnt/server' on the client machine lists 'symdir' as sym link not as a normal directory. When doing a 'cd /mnt/server/symdir' the client (!) tries to follow the sym link to '/mnt/drive4/moredata'. This makes no sense in the context of the client's file system, and the command fails. Diving into this sub dir with smbclient on the client machine or a Windows client works as expected. After rebooting under 2.4 (no other software changed), I get the expected behavior again. What did I miss? Any hints? Thanks Mike