OK. So here's my case: I've been trying to get Samba configured to run as a domain controller for about a month now. The job is to add a domain controller to a workgroup of Windows XP Pro machines. It has been a long uphill struggle with lots of hope but little progress. Just when I was about to give up on Samba, someone suggested that I try in with a few other versions of Windows. 95, 98, NT4 and 2000 run sweetly and readily accept Samba as a domain controller. Shares, users, everything runs beautifully. They can browse and write shares to which they have permissions on a workgroup. Unfortunately that's not the job at hand. The initial smb.conf file has been setup using SWAT. I must say well done to the developers. User friendly is always difficult to configure. Heard that XP was written not to work with Linux (Samba) and have become somewhat convinced through my experiences. Is this the truth? And is there a way around it? I have applied the following XP registry patch to the machines: <http://www.mandrakeuser.org/docs/connect/csamba5.html> The name of the workgroup differs from the domain. Machine and user accounts have been made on the Linux box. I have smbpasswd root. Encrypted passwords are enabled. The only hassle now is with the domain controller. Which is the most essential part. The errors flag up on the XP machine as far as I can tell. I have a sneaky feeling that the encryption is the problem. When I try add the XP Machine to the domain it asks me for a username on the XP machine. So I put it in, Chris and the password. Then computer name and domain, Xipe02 XTT. Then it asks me for the name and password of someone who has permission to join the domain. Cool. Administrator and password. "Invalid username or bad password". OK. Linux Root and password. "Invalid username or bad password". So now there is a user "Chris" on the Linux box with root privileges (yes I know it's not good practice) and the same password as on the XP machine. No luck. Chris and root can log onto samba shares when network is a workgroup. No troubles. I don't seem to be getting any errors on the Linux side. Maybe I'm not looking in the right logs. Any ideas? Chris Nash Xipe ToTech Technologies 7 Church Square / PO Box 28 Graaff-Reinet 6280 chris@xtt.co.za Cell: 083 5417815 Work: 049 8922789 Fax: 049 8922789
On Wed, 2003-04-23 at 08:37, Chris Nash wrote:> OK. > > So here's my case: > > I've been trying to get Samba configured to run as a domain controller for about a month now. The job is to add a domain controller to a workgroup of Windows XP Pro machines. It has been a long uphill struggle with lots of hope but little progress. Just when I was about to give up on Samba, someone suggested that I try in with a few other versions of Windows. 95, 98, NT4 and 2000 run sweetly and readily accept Samba as a domain controller. Shares, users, everything runs beautifully. They can browse and write shares to which they have permissions on a workgroup. Unfortunately that's not the job at hand. The initial smb.conf file has been setup using SWAT. I must say well done to the developers. User friendly is always difficult to configure.works find for me - follow the howto and you should be okay. if you still have trouble look at the samba log files they are there to help you figure out what is happening... the windows dialog boxes are nearly useless as diagnostic tools. brad -- Bradley W. Langhorst <brad@langhorst.com>
I've found that XP Pro doesn't like it if you're in a workgroup and try to join a domain with the same name. Try these steps: Change XP to be a member of its own silly little workgroup, and then without joining the domain, try to browse a Samba share. Then, if that worked (as user root), run the connect to domain wizard thingy, and then on the last page you have to enter root/smbpasswd for root/domain name. I've gotten it to work against 2.2.8a - somewhere is a link to an IBM site (this tutorial might help http://www-1.ibm.com/servers/esdd/tutorials/samba.html?t=gr,psl=SambaTutoria lOverview) that mentions what you have to do: I used the join wizard, after editing the registry to remove sign and seal (and remove automagically update machine password) Hope this helps!
only root can join workstations to the domain. have you added root to the smbpasswd file (smbpasswd -a root)? also i would reboot to clear out any username/password caching and then try and join the domain again. also XP has a nasty habit of enabling the encryption on ip connections. make sure these are disabled (control panel/local security policy/ip security policies). also make sure you have not inadvertently enabled the XP firewall on your LAN interface - look for a small padlock on the icon in network connections. XP fires up a wizard if the machine feels it is exposed on the internet and it is easy to click it away whilst enabling the firewall. hth -----Original Message----- From: Chris Nash [mailto:chris@xtt.co.za] Sent: 23 April 2003 13:37 To: samba@lists.samba.org Subject: [Samba] Samba and XP hassles OK. So here's my case: I've been trying to get Samba configured to run as a domain controller for about a month now. The job is to add a domain controller to a workgroup of Windows XP Pro machines. It has been a long uphill struggle with lots of hope but little progress. Just when I was about to give up on Samba, someone suggested that I try in with a few other versions of Windows. 95, 98, NT4 and 2000 run sweetly and readily accept Samba as a domain controller. Shares, users, everything runs beautifully. They can browse and write shares to which they have permissions on a workgroup. Unfortunately that's not the job at hand. The initial smb.conf file has been setup using SWAT. I must say well done to the developers. User friendly is always difficult to configure. Heard that XP was written not to work with Linux (Samba) and have become somewhat convinced through my experiences. Is this the truth? And is there a way around it? I have applied the following XP registry patch to the machines: <http://www.mandrakeuser.org/docs/connect/csamba5.html> The name of the workgroup differs from the domain. Machine and user accounts have been made on the Linux box. I have smbpasswd root. Encrypted passwords are enabled. The only hassle now is with the domain controller. Which is the most essential part. The errors flag up on the XP machine as far as I can tell. I have a sneaky feeling that the encryption is the problem. When I try add the XP Machine to the domain it asks me for a username on the XP machine. So I put it in, Chris and the password. Then computer name and domain, Xipe02 XTT. Then it asks me for the name and password of someone who has permission to join the domain. Cool. Administrator and password. "Invalid username or bad password". OK. Linux Root and password. "Invalid username or bad password". So now there is a user "Chris" on the Linux box with root privileges (yes I know it's not good practice) and the same password as on the XP machine. No luck. Chris and root can log onto samba shares when network is a workgroup. No troubles. I don't seem to be getting any errors on the Linux side. Maybe I'm not looking in the right logs. Any ideas? Chris Nash Xipe ToTech Technologies 7 Church Square / PO Box 28 Graaff-Reinet 6280 chris@xtt.co.za Cell: 083 5417815 Work: 049 8922789 Fax: 049 8922789 -- To unsubscribe from this list go to the following URL and read the instructions: http://lists.samba.org/mailman/listinfo/samba --- Incoming mail is certified Virus Free. Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com). Version: 6.0.474 / Virus Database: 272 - Release Date: 18/04/2003 --- Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free. Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com). Version: 6.0.474 / Virus Database: 272 - Release Date: 18/04/2003
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