So no one on the list has seen this type of issue before where all this crap
gets copied to the server profiles directory?
-----Original Message-----
From: Savage, Elijah
Sent: Friday, July 05, 2002 9:00 AM
To: ''
Subject: [Samba] Help with Profiles Please
Good morning all and hope you all enjoyed the 4th.
I have a FreeBSD box setup with Samba as a PDC for win9x win2k and winxp.
Everything is working beautifully except for one thing, my win2k boxes and
winxp boxes with profiles. Of course I had to have the profiles directory
setup for win2k and xp clients to join the domain for some reason they were
looking for that. Anyway on to the problem I had a client on Wednesday that
copied some stuff to his laptop in to his documents directory was actually
some red hat ISO's, well when trying to log off it took forever because
anything in your documents directory gets copied from the clients to the
server profiles directory. Can anyone give me some advice on how to keep
this from happening, what am I missing? The 60 gig drive could fill up very
quickly if more than a few clients were to do this.
I hope this email is not to fragmented for you all to understand :-) but any
help would be greatly appreciated this morning.
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