I'm migrating an NT fileserver to Samba 2.2.3a on SuSE 8.0. Until yesterday, the Samba server had running perfectly for several weeks. Yesterday afternoon, I performed a normal shutdown of the Linux box. When I restarted the system, the Samba server, Webmin, netatalk, etc. did not start. I checked the login screen and found the phrase "/dev/null: Read-only file system" at the end of every line as the system attempted to start processes. When I log in to the console, it reports "bash: /dev/null: Read-only file system." Also I saw "ERROR: cannot fsck because root is read-only." If this is a filesystem corruption problem, it is my first. Proceeding on that assumption, I've been researching recovery methods all day but I cannot find any example that refers to this "/dev/null" message. That makes me nervous. Eventually I attempted to run e2fsck manually by starting from the SuSE CD but I'm possibly a bit confused by the instructions on how to access the normal filesystem from the rescue system. Whatever the reason, I have not been able to figure out how to access I was able to determine that all of my files are still where they are supposed to be, so at this point I seem to have not lost any unique data. I'm afraid that if I go any further without competent advice, that happy situation will evaporate. Is there some easy way out of this "/dev/null: Read-only" situation that I just don't know about? If not, can someone explain what it means and point me in the right direction towards finding a repair procedure? Dale Mirenda