On Thu, 14 Mar 2002, Stuart Grossart wrote:
> I am looking to serve a SAMBA filesystems to client at the other side of a
> firewall, does anyone know what ports/services, need to be opened just to
> deliver the filesystem.
This is related, but not the same problem. I have a setup like this:
192.168.0.x 24.92.x.x
my main box \ --- firewall machine --- ( the net ) --- other user
rest of my network /
Important incoming connections (web, SSH) to the firewall get
port-forwarded to my main box. Outgoing connections are NAT'ed. The
other user has an account on my machine, by which he can also access
Samba. The only way I found for him to read/write files from both
machines at the same time was this. I figured out how to do this using
PuTTY. Since the only important part is forwarding ports, any SSH client
would do.
<begin quoted material>
In PuTTY, On the last panel (Connection -> SSH -> Tunnels),
Check the box for "Local ports..."
Add new forwarded port:
Box 1: number_above_1023
Box 2: remote_machine:139
Click the radio button:
Press "Add".
<end quoted material>
Basically what that does (according to me, earlier; ICBW), is forward
connections made to my main box's localhost, port 139, through SSH, to the
remote machine at port number_above_1023. Log into the Samba machine
using that SSH client. Then you need:
smbclient -L remote_machine -p number_above_1023 -I localhost -U
That will get you filesystem access to the Samba machine, and smbclient
access to the remote machine. Kind of the reverse of what you wanted, but
there it is.
-eben eQbWeEnR@gTaYtUeI.nOePt home.tampabay.rr.com/hactar
Hanlon's Razor: "Never attribute to malice that which can be
adequately explained by stupidity." Derived from Robert Heinlein