Hello list. In browsing through this lists' archives I was unable to locate a message which completely resolved the problems and outlined a solution regarding roaming profiles. My situation is that I am attempting to set up a small lab of around 10 machines currently running win95 to a linux gateway server running samba. I have been successful in getting the network up, running, and communicating but am having trouble with the registry insisting that it creates a profile image on the local machine in c:\windows\profiles\<username>. What I would like to setup is a solution whereby any profile/user related information gets stored on the server in the users home directory. I have taken bits of information from past messages in this list to modify various keys in the registry, combat the "race condition" and fool the local machine to not create any profile stuff on the local machine. Does anyone have a complete solution to this problem - including creating a skeleton/default profile upon user creation, bypassing the "Is this your first time logging on to this local machine" windows message, and only storing/maintaining profiles on the server leaving the local machines completely free of any individual profile information. Any help with this subject would be much appreciated. thanks Monty ------------------------------------------------------------------------ SUBMerGED IN THE 604 AREA CODE LINUX ROX ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Hello list. I posted this message a short time ago and was not able to come up with a solution which will work. If anyone can provide any insight on the following I would appreciate it. In browsing through this lists' archives I was unable to locate a message which completely resolved the problems and outlined a solution regarding roaming profiles. My situation is that I am attempting to set up a small lab of around 10 machines currently running win95 to a linux gateway server running samba. I have been successful in getting the network up, running, and communicating but am having trouble with the registry insisting that it creates a profile image on the local machine in c:\windows\profiles\<username>. What I would like to setup is a solution whereby any profile/user related information gets stored only on the server in the users home directory. I have taken bits of information from past messages in this list to modify various keys in the registry, combat the "race condition" and fool the local machine to not create any profile stuff on the local machine. Does anyone have a complete solution to this problem - including creating a skeleton/default profile upon user creation, bypassing the "Is this your first time logging on to this local machine" windows message, and only storing/maintaining profiles on the server leaving the local machines completely free of any individual profile information. There are several reasons I need to only save the user profiles on the server one of which is so the users' Outlook Express E-mail is storred away from other users access. Outlook Express e-mail appears to be saved in the "Application Data" directory tree. Any help with this subject would be much appreciated. thanks Monty ------------------------------------------------------------------------ SUBMerGED IN THE 604 AREA CODE LINUX ROX ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ SUBMerGED IN THE 604 AREA CODE LINUX ROX ------------------------------------------------------------------------