On 25 Jun 99, Viraj Dixit had questions about BSDI Unix:
> Hi: First time user of Samba. All I am trying to do is make one
> of the directory on the BSDI system be visible to NT
> environment. I have played around with smb.conf file and read
> most of the stuff and can't get this to be seen in network
> neighborhood. Any help will be great..Thanks..vJ
What can you see with Net View? Can you find it by name or IP
using Find Computer? Have you gone through the Diagnosis.txt
steps? If you can't see samba in NetHood, then its NetBIOS name
isn't known by the WINS server (or your local NT box). I assume
you're not running NetBlooie on the windoze side; samba requires
NetBIOS over TCP/IP on the windoze boxes (and sometimes windoze
gets confused running multiple protocols). Who is the local master
browser for your workgroup? You need to be able to resolve NetBIOS
names (via WINS, lmhosts, DNS proxy, etc) in order to build a
browse list, and someone needs to be your local master browser. I
recommend samba as your LMB and WINS server. Although your
situation may not allow that, it's probably the most stable
possible setup. Clients should also have all available updates and
patches (all for win9x, up to SP3 for NT).
Steve Arnold http://www.rain.org/~sarnold
Things go better with Linux and King Crimson.