I have an Imac AMD Radeon Card and an NVidia Card. Games like Medal of Honor Allied Assault and code of Honor French Legion (just a 2 of the alot) has specific issues comparing with nvidia cards. in those games nvidia cards run smoothly but ATI cards/AMD Radeon do work, but "stotter" when walking and turning at the same time. Playing the games with Nvidia has not that issue. In other games ATI/AMD Radeon gives graphical glitches and Nvidia cards not...Because i use Lion OSX there are not some graphical drivers i can update or something. Anyone knows what options are the best for AMD radeon cards? and or how to fix glitches and that stottering?I know the UseGLSL put to disabled can fix some issues, but are the more stuff you can do too? Many thanks in advance
Playing around with all the DirectX settings in the registry can help fix some games... as well as playing around with the in game settings. Other than that there is not much you can do. ATI runs Wine better on OSX than it runs on Linux... but still has more problems. 10.7.2 is supposed to have newer drivers packed in, so maybe those will help, but its unlikely.
Hey Doh!, thanks for your reply. Really hope indeed that 1.72 has driver improvements :) Adn yes i fixed some stuff in brother in arms Already with ingame settings + Useglsl=disabled (Which ran without any adjustments fine on Nvidia) But can you tell me more specific about the directx settings? Many thanks in advance, i think many more people are curiopus about this.
take a look at all the directx settings... just sometimes playing around and trying different combinations seems to help. http://wiki.winehq.org/UsefulRegistryKeys