Hello, Im a new ubuntu's user. I started using it about 3 days ago. I installed wine with wow, and work's perfectly about 75 fps. Then i've installed D3d9 library, directx10 library, directx9 library, and so many other things to be able to play BFBC2. The first problem was a black screen, i found the solution on internet's webpage. The second problem was resolution, and i found a solution for ir. Now i have a freaking awasome problem. Here it is: I can play, i have modificated the settings.ini to use d9, but my fps are about 5-20 and at some moments it get stucked for 2-3 sec. I've tried to descrease the graphics to miniom, but still the problem, i've tried to put on MAXIUM the graphics, and i still having the same FPS. I think that wine isnt using my 8 dual core or my 6gb of ram... but really i dont know how to fix that. I've leaved windows and, i wish to play bf again... My aspects are: Ubuntu 11.04 x64 6 GB ram Intel i7 960 Nvidia geforce gtx 460 overclocked (Alienware) Please, can some one try to help me? PD: i've tried to play it as windows xp, windows vista, windows 7 and windows 2008. The best is windows xp... When i play the cpu and the ram does not exced the 30% of their maxium potential.