2010-Dec-09 16:51 UTC
[Wine] Unable to visualize menus and tooltips from a ribbon toolbar
I am trying to make my application run on wine first of all I'm running Ubuntu 10.04 and wine 1.2, I did an override to native gdiplus.dll in order to let the graphical compontents of my app run "properly". I also installed odbc client using this procedure in order to use the mssql database. I tried to run this with or without compiz, and result is the same.
2010-Dec-09 20:04 UTC
[Wine] Re: Unable to visualize menus and tooltips from a ribbon toolbar
Please file a bug at Attach your sample app Include a one-click problem recipe (e.g. "do 'winetricks gdiplus', run RibbonNotepadDemo.exe, click on the XYZZY icon and note that the app hangs") Attach screenshot of the sample app working properly on Windows if needed Include a link to this thread Good luck!