Wednesday January 31 2007 15:22??????????:> Hi, i install Counter-strike, this work very good, but the problem is
> when i try to wirte or read any thing, this never show nothing of text.
> Thanks
Maybe you havn't installed standard Windows fonts? If not here what you
should do. Choose any way that you like:
1) Just copy all files from MS' Windows/Fonts/ directory to
windows/fonts/ .
2) If you are using Debian install "msttcorefonts" package by
executing "apt-get install msttcorefonts". Then
execute "ln /usr/share/fonts/truetype/msttcorefonts/*
~/.wine/drive_c/windows/fonts/" (this command assumes that you execute it
under normal user account that you typicaly use to run Wine).
3) If you are non-Debian user please read instructions here: .
4) You can use Google to find other ways.
If above doesn't help you should write a bug report to .