Is this what you want:
> num <- sub("^.*CIK=([0-9]+).*", "\\1", mmm)
> num
[1] "0000320193">
On Sat, May 14, 2011 at 8:20 PM, Sparks, John James <jspark4 at>
wrote:> Dear R Helpers,
> I am trying to isolate a set of characters between two other characters in
> a long string file. ?I tried some of the examples on the R help pages and
> elsewhere, but I am not able to get it. ?Your help would be much
> appreciated.
> require(scrapeR)
> str(mmm)
> I want to get the number 0000320193 that is between the CIK= and the &.
> have tried
> g <- grep( "CIK=|&", mmm )
> and
> temp<-grep(mmm,\CIK=\&)
> and variations on these themes, but all won't run or come bask as an
> object. ?How can I grab this number?
> Best wishes,
> --John J. Sparks, Ph.D.
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> and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.
Jim Holtman
Data Munger Guru
What is the problem that you are trying to solve?