On 11-04-18 9:51 PM, Matt Shotwell wrote:> Does anyone know if there is a simple way to print raw vectors, such
> that ASCII characters are printed for bytes in the ASCII range, and
> their hex representation otherwise? rawToChar doesn't work when we have
> something like c(0x00, 0x00, 0x44, 0x00).
Do you really need hex? rawToChar(x, multiple=TRUE) comes close, but
displays using octal or symbolic escapes, e.g.
[1] "" "\001" "\002" "\003"
"\004" "\005" "\006" "\a"
"\t" "\n"
[12] "\v" "\f" "\r" "\016"
"\017" "\020" "\021" "\022"
"\024" "\025"
[23] "\026" "\027" "\030" "\031"
"\032" "\033" "\034" "\035"
"\037" " "
[34] "!" "\"" "#" "$"
"%" "&" "'" "("
"*" "+"
If you really do want hex, then you'll need something like
ifelse( x < 32 | x >= 127, as.character(x), rawToChar(x, multiple=TRUE))
Duncan Murdoch