On Nov 9, 2009, at 9:34 AM, anna freni sterrantino wrote:
> Hi !
> I'd like to create
> a vector
> that has this kind of numeration
> 001
> 002
> 003
> .
> .
> .
> 099
> I have looked at format help page but couldn't get
> any hint on how to do it.
> Thanks
> Anna
See ?sprintf
> sprintf("%03d", 1:99)
[1] "001" "002" "003" "004"
"005" "006" "007" "008" "009"
"010" "011"
[12] "012" "013" "014" "015"
"016" "017" "018" "019" "020"
"021" "022"
[23] "023" "024" "025" "026"
"027" "028" "029" "030" "031"
"032" "033"
[34] "034" "035" "036" "037"
"038" "039" "040" "041" "042"
"043" "044"
[45] "045" "046" "047" "048"
"049" "050" "051" "052" "053"
"054" "055"
[56] "056" "057" "058" "059"
"060" "061" "062" "063" "064"
"065" "066"
[67] "067" "068" "069" "070"
"071" "072" "073" "074" "075"
"076" "077"
[78] "078" "079" "080" "081"
"082" "083" "084" "085" "086"
"087" "088"
[89] "089" "090" "091" "092"
"093" "094" "095" "096" "097"
"098" "099"
Note the format specifies that the argument 1:99 should be formatted
with leading zeroes to fill a 3 character width output.
Importantly, note that the result is a character vector and not
numeric values, though you can coerce back to numeric with ?as.numeric.
Marc Schwartz