Try this:
plot(1, main = bquote("Yield for " ~ italic(.(spp)) ~ "in
region" ~ .(region)))
On Thu, Mar 31, 2011 at 2:35 AM, Jeremy Newman <jnewm101 at>
wrote:> Hi all!
> I've written a handy script that uses a for loop to allow me to
generate a
> large number of figures and statistical outputs for a large dataset.
> I am using indexing to retrieve a species name for the title of my graphs-
> which worked fine. However, I need to italicize these species names.
> I originally used the paste function, and had no problems with indexing:
> *main=paste("Yield for ", testsub[1,3], " in management
region ",
> testsub[1,2])*
> The title looks like: "*Yield for Gadus morhua in management region
> I tried bquote from a related help thread, I tried to emulate it:
> *spp<-testsub[1,3]*
> *region<-testsub[1,2]*
> *
> *
> *main=bquote(Yield ~ for ~ italic(.(spp)) ~ in ~ management ~ region ~
> .(region))*
> Which doesn't seem to work at all, but when I try not putting anything
> the italic:
> *main=bquote(Yield ~ for ~ italic(.(spp)))*
> I get: "*Yield for 1*"
> While *spp=Gadus morhua*
> I'm at wit's end, I tried to read about substitute, expression, and
> functions in the hopes I can figure it out, but I am lost!
> Thanks for any help!
> Cheers,
> -Jeremy N
> Undergraduate Researcher in Macroecology
> University of Ottawa
> Department of Biology
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