Displaying 20 results from an estimated 120 matches similar to: "Italicized title from index"
2009 Nov 23
shared mailboxes using namespaces in 1.2
I've been using shared mailbox trees using maildir, unix permissions and
separate namespaces per shared tree since dovecot 1.0.
However now that I've upgraded to 1.2.8, I cannot create subfolders
anymore. The server responds with "NO Invalid mailbox name:
test/testsub". The hierarchy separator for the namespaces is / because I
am mixing maildir and mbox namespaces and
2012 May 19
weighted averages for two variables
Hi R users,
I have a dataset with multiple variables and i'm trying to weigh average
depths for fish species per year by their abundance (CPUE. I have tried the
weighted.mean function but as i have two columns for the x value the lenghts
differ with the w (CPUE). How do I solve this problem?
So far I have tried this:
data<-by(allspecies, list(allspecies$Depth, allspecies$Year),
2011 Jun 30
Italicized greek symbols in PDF plots
I know that this has been asked before in other variations but I just can't
seem to figure out my particular application from previous posts. My
apologies if I have missed the answer to this question somewhere in the
archives. I have indeed looked.
I am running Ubuntu 11.04, with R 2.12.1 and ESS+Emacs.
For journal formatting requirements, I need to italicize all the greek
letters in any
2010 Jul 22
Drop firms in unbalanced panel if not more than 5 observations in consecutive years for all variables
Dear R-user,
a few weeks ago I consulted the list-serve with a similar question.
However, my task changed a little but sufficiently to get lost again. So
I would appreciate any help on the following issue.
I use the plm package and work with firm-level data in a panel. I would
like to eliminate all firms that do not fulfill the requirement of
having an observation in every variable used for at
2008 May 02
data transformation
Dear all,
how can I, with R, transform a presence-absence (0/1) matrix of species
occurrences into a presence-only table (3 columns) with the names of the
species (1st column), the lat information of the sites (2nd column) and
the lon information of the sites (3rd column), as given in the below
Thanks a lot for your help!
my dataframe:
site lat lon spec1 spec2 spec3 spec4
2012 Apr 03
Italicize journal article in mid text
I need to italicize the journal in a citation but have thus far failed. How
can I make 'Journal of Something' below italic but leave the rest plain?
mtext( "See Author1 and Author2 (2007) , \"Title\", Journal of Something ,
pp. 1-50.", side = 3, outer = T, line=-0.75, cex = 0.7, at= 0.04, adj = 0,
font = 1, family = "Times")
View this
2011 Jun 21
Italicize Greek symbols in axis
Hello there,
Is there any way to italicize Greek symbols such as mu in axis? From the help
files of mathematical anotations: "Note that bold, italic and bolditalic do not
apply to symbols, and hence not to the Greek symbols such as mu which are
displayed in the symbol font. They also do not apply to numeric constants.", it
seems that it cannot be done.
Bingzhang Chen
2008 Jan 30
data.frame transformation
Dear all,
maybe somebody can provide some help for this problem:
I've got the following dataframe "data":
How can I, out of "data" make a new dataframe, where the cells of value
2011 Oct 19
Cairo creates italized plots?
Has anyone else run into this weird behaviour where the text in the plots
created using Cairo are always italicized. For example,
Cairo(file='cairo_created', type='pdf', dpi=100)
This produces the following attached 'cairo_created.pdf' graph. Notice how
the text is italicized. The same code but using pdf() as the graphics
2005 Jun 11
italic (PR#7932)
Full_Name: G. Grothendieck
Version: R version 2.1.0, 2005-05-14
OS: Windows XP
Submission from: (NULL) (
This code:
> plot(1:10)
> text(5,5,lab=expression(italic(22*"33")))
has the effect of italicizing 33 (which is a character string) but not 22
(which is not). I would have thought that both, not just 33, would be
I had previously posted about this
2008 Jul 22
data transformation
Dear all,
how can I, with R, transform a presence-only table (with the names of
the species (1st column), the lat information of the sites (2nd column)
and the lon information of the sites (3rd column)) into a
presence-absence (0/1) matrix of species occurrences across sites, as
given in the below example?
Thanks a lot for your help!
My initial table:
species lat lon
sp1 10 10
2011 Feb 20
Partial italic in graph titles when looping
Dear all,
I have a rather complicated problem. I am trying to loop through making graphs,
so that the graph-making process is fully automated. For each graph, I'd like to
make sure the corresponding title is formatted properly. The titles will be a
combination of a gene name and numerical position within the gene. The gene name
should be italic-bold, whereas the gene position should be
2012 May 24
package metafor: specify weights?
Dear R-experts,
Dear Wolfgang,
Weighted model fitting in metafor uses the inverse of the study specific variances as weights.
I am wondering if it is possible to specify different weights.
In my meta-analysis, there are two types of studies with (intrinsic) differences in their range of sample sizes (which are used to calculate the variances of Fisher's z).
I would like to try normalizing
2023 Oct 18
[PATCH libnbd 0/4] Miscellaneous Rust cleanups
On Tue, Oct 10, 2023 at 03:06:06PM +0100, Richard W.M. Jones wrote:
> Add an overview libnbd-rust(3) man page pointing to the real
> documentation. This is like OCaml & Golang.
> When reviewing the real rustdocs I noticed they basically converted
> the man pages into plain text, resulting in lots of problems such as
> internal links not working, no `code` annotations,
2008 Apr 29
Weird font in Firefox
Has anyone else had an issue with the font in Firefox? In particular, the font up on the toolbar, buttons, and any text that you type in on a website? I recently installed Firefox (mostly so I can access pages that require the most recent version of Flash) and I get an italicized font with a clear line through the middle of it in the locations I mentioned. It's readable, but just barely.
2001 Aug 01
italics and not in main=
R 1.3.0, windows
I've checked archives, and examples in text, mtext, and title.
I am trying to include italicized text in the main title of a figure:
main = "[italics here] species name [italics stop] more plain text"
Martin Henry H. Stevens
HStevens at muohio.edu
tel: (513) 529 - 4206
FAX: (513) 529 - 4243
338 Pearson Hall
2010 Jan 23
Failure to produce italics in jpeg
Using R 2.10.1 in OS X (Snow Leopard), I created JPEG documents that
were intended to include italicized text. In the JPEG versions, the
italics appear in bold-face. The identical code (except for the call
to the device) yields italics in PDF. A minimal example is:
PDF version:
> pdf("plot.pdf")
> plot(1,1)
> mtext(bquote(italic(P) < .(0.005)))
2008 Jul 16
Checking package vignettes: WARNING
I want to have a "vignette" in one of my R packages. Hence, I added an Sweave
file into the /inst/doc subdirectory of this package. Unfortunately, 'R CMD
check' gives a warning:
* checking tests ... OK
* checking package vignettes in 'inst/doc' ... WARNING
--- f?hre texi2dvi auf Vignetten aus
* creating
2006 Apr 28
Emphasis or Italic?
What's the difference between:
<em>emphasis</em> and <i>italicized</i>
<strong>strong</strong> and <b>bold</b>
It seems to subtle for my browsers.
The only "difference" I've been able to find is that according to the
O'Reilly book <strong> and <emphasis> are semantic tags, while <b> and <i>
2012 Jan 18
makeCluster() function in doSNOW package hangs
Dear R help,
I am trying to set up a cluster for parallel computing on a machine
running 64-bit windows XP, using the doSNOW package on R 2.14.1.
However, the command makeCluster() consistently makes the computer hang.
No R processes are started, no CPU consumed, R just becomes
unresponsive. ESC still terminates the command, but I cannot start the
cluster. There seems to be quite a lot of posts