2011-Mar-09 15:02 UTC
[R] java+R+serverEval failed+request status: control pipe to master process is closed/broken
hi: when I run the example program on windows XP+NetBeans: Rserve_0.6-3\Rserve\src\client\javanew\Rserve\test\test.java { // test control commands (works only when enabled and in Rserve 0.6-0 and higher only) - must be the last test since it closes the connection and shuts down the server System.out.println("* Test control commands (this will fail if control commands are disabled) ..."); System.out.println(" server eval"); String key = "rn" + Math.random(); // generate a random number to prevent contamination from previous tests c.serverEval("xXx<-'" + key + "'"); c.close(); c = new RConnection(); REXP x = c.eval("xXx"); if (x == null || !x.isString() || x.length() != 1 || !x.asString().equals(key)) throw new TestException("control eval test failed - assignment was not persistent"); c.serverEval("rm(xXx)"); // remove the test variable to not pollute the global workspace System.out.println(" server shutdown"); c.serverShutdown(); c.close(); System.out.println("PASSED"); } It report the following error on program statement:c.serverEval("xXx<-'" + key + "'"); org.rosuda.REngine.Rserve.RserveException: serverEval failed, request status: control pipe to master process is closed/broken. Perhaps the following words can help solve the problem,but,I really don't know how to enable the control commands(on windows XP): test control commands (works only when enabled and in Rserve 0.6-0 and higher only). Shi Shengfeng [[alternative HTML version deleted]]