On Wed, Feb 16, 2011 at 12:36 PM, Hasan Diwan
<diwan at economicriskmanagement.com> wrote:> Rjdbc consistently gives me an execution error with postgresql 9.0s JDBC4
> driver. It's probably something trivial so am including my code below:
> library("RJDBC")
> param <- 249
> param2 <- 188129
> postgres <- JDBC("org.postgresql.Driver",
> con <- dbConnect(postgres, "jdbc:postgresql://hq.d8u.us/erm",
user > "hdiwan")
> sql <- "select id, startdate, value from dists where profileid =
> data1 <- dbGetQuery(conn, sql, param) # Dies here, no matter what the
> tried with "select 1+1" as well as the one above
> data2 <- dbGetQuery(conn, sql, param2)
> cor(data1$V3, data2$V3)
The RpgSQL package providesa PostgreSQL driver based on RJDBC, See
?pgSQL for an example.
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