Hello there, Could anybody please help on how to correctly use ggplot when printing irregural time series, by irregural here I mean for example the absence of some dates in the whole timespan of a dataset. To be more precise in the following example I generated some random data which spans the whole November up to now and dropped weekend days but for some reasons ggplot continues to plot the days I just dropped. The ggplot generated outputs for comparison purposes can be found here (http://img269.imageshack.us/img269/121/ggplotweekends.png) where the upper image is for the regular timeseries and the bottom one is for the irregular one. Datasets for both the charts are (http://img521.imageshack.us/img521/6729/regularts.png) and (http://img517.imageshack.us/img517/8651/irregularts.png) correspondingly. The R code used to generate them is dates<-seq(ISOdate(2010,11,1), by = "day", length.out = 19) rets<-xts(rlnorm(19),order.by=dates) # the following line drops weekends from the timeseries rets<-rets[!weekdays(index(rets))%in%c('Saturday','Sunday'),] rets.m<-data.frame(index(rets),rets,check.names=F) colnames(rets.m)<-c('Date','Rets') rets.m<-melt(rets.m,id.vars=c('Date','Rets')) ggplot(data=rets.m,aes(Date,Rets))+geom_bar(stat="identity")+scale_x_datetime(major = freqprint, format='%m/%d') Thanks in advance for your help/patience and my bad English. Kind regards, Alex