On Oct 3, 2010, at 1:58 PM, nisaf wrote:
> Hi All. I am a new R user. Trying to do scatterplot. Not sure how to
> resolve this error message
> A<-subset (ErablesGatineau, station=="A")
>> B<-subset (ErablesGatineau, station=="B")
>> plot(diam ~ biom)
Did you also attache either (or both??? of those data.frames)?
>> abline(lm(diam ~ biom), col = "red")
>> goodcases <- !(is.na(diam) | is.na(biom))
>> lines(lowess(diam[goodcases] ~ biom[goodcases]))
>> library(car)
>> scatterplot(diam ~ biom, reg.line = lm, smooth = TRUE,
> + labels = FALSE, boxplots = FALSE, span = 0.5, data = A)
> Error in `row.names<-.data.frame`(`*tmp*`, value = FALSE) :
> invalid 'row.names' length
Given the fact that you deemed it necessary to "pre-qualify" your data
when you constructed "goodcases", the invalid row.names length error
suggest you may need to supply scatterplot() when using the reg.line
argument with data that has been similarly culled of NA values.
?complete. case
Perhaps trying with a data=A[goodcases, ]
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