I think I've got it!
I only filtered out the pos freq and not the negative! (At the far end
of s). I will check now.
It would be nice to forget about that bit s[n/2:n]. But I get if I get
rid of it all, then when I back transform into time domain I imagine
I'll get artifacts.
On Sat, Nov 28, 2009 at 9:53 AM, William Simpson
<william.a.simpson at gmail.com> wrote:> I am puzzled by a filtering problem using fft(). I don't blame R.
> I have a waveform y consisting of the sum of 2 sinewaves having freqs f1
and f2.
> I do s = fft() of y.
> Remove s's spike at freq=f2
> Do inverse fft on s.
> The resulting waveform still has a lot of f2 in it! But the filtering
> should have removed it all.
> What is going on, and how to fix??
> Thanks very much for any help.
> Bill
> Below is code illustrating the problem.
> n<-1024
> #f1=2, f2=7
> y<- 9*cos(2*pi*2.0*(1:n)/n) + 3*cos(2*pi*7.0*(1:n)/n)
> plot(y,type='l')
> s<-2*Re(fft(y))/n
> plot(s[1:20], type='l')
> #note freq[i] is s[i+1]; e.g. f=7.0 peak is at s[8]
> coef<- 1-(((1:n)>8-1) & ((1:n)<8+1))
> s2<- fft(y)*coef ? # I have now removed f2
> plot(2*Re(s2[1:20])/n, type='l') ? #f2 is removed from spectrum
> y2<-Re(fft(s2,inverse=TRUE)/n) ?#now get back to time domain
> plot(y,type='l') ?#original waveform f1+f2
> lines(y2,type='l',col='blue' ) ?#filtered waveform
> lines(9*cos(2*pi*2.0*(1:n)/n), type='l',col='red' ) ?#what
it should
> look like -- f2 removed