I did not get anything very interesting with that plot but
nonetheless, I suspect that you want to put your oma= parameter a bit
On Nov 24, 2009, at 6:14 PM, Roslina Zakaria wrote:
> Hi,
> I use fCopulae package to draw different graphs of univariate and
> bivariate skew t. But the plots titles overlap. I tried using
> cex.main, font.main to adjust the size but they still overlaps.
> Here is my code:
opar <- par(mfrow = c(3, 1), oma=c(2,2,3,2) )
mu = 0
Omega = 1
alpha1 = 0
alpha2 = 1.5
alpha3 = 2
alpha4 = 0.5
Z1 = matrix(dmvst(x, 1, mu, Omega, alpha1, df = Inf), length(x))
Z2 = matrix(dmvst(x, 1, mu, Omega, alpha2, df = 5), length(x))
Z3 = matrix(dmvst(x, 1, mu, Omega, alpha3, df = 5), length(x))
Z4 = matrix(dmvst(x, 1, mu, Omega, alpha4, df = Inf), length(x))
plot(x,Z1, ylim=range(Z1,Z2), type='l')
title(main = "Z1 (Skew=0, df=Inf) vs Z2 (Skew=1.5, df=5)",cex = 1.0)
plot(x,Z1, ylim=range(Z1,Z3), type='l')
title(main = "Z1 (Skew=0, df=Inf) vs Z3 (Skew=2, df=5)",cex = 1.0)
plot(x,Z1, ylim=range(Z1,Z4), type='l')
title(main = "Z1 (Skew=0, df=Inf) vs Z4 (Skew=0.5, df=Inf)",cex = 1.0)
title("Different shapes of univariate skew-t distribution", outer =
TRUE, cex.main=2)
David Winsemius, MD
Heritage Laboratories
West Hartford, CT