On 11/24/2009 10:00 AM, tobiasfa wrote:>
> Hi!
> Trying to make a forecast, and get the following error message:
> Error in NextMethod("[<-") : subscript out of bounds
> The script is as follows:
>> Forecast.A<- ts(matrix(NA, nrow=25, ncol = 1,
> + dimnames = list(c(), c("Outcome"))),
> + start = c(2006, 10), frequency = 12)
Above, Forecast.A is created with one column.
>> for (i in 1:25) {
> + j<- i + 321
> + Data<- window(omxr, end = time(omxr)[j])
> + Result<- ets(Data, model = "MAM")
> + Forecast1<- forecast(Result, 1)
> + Forecast.A[i, 2]<- window(omxr, start = time(omxr)[j +
Here, you try to assign to column 2 of Forecast.A, which doesn't exist.
"NextMethod" is the internal function that actually detected the
> + 1], end = time(omxr)[j + 1])[[1]]
> + }
> What am I doing wrong?
> //Tobias
Tom Wainwright
NOAA Northwest Fisheries Science Center
Newport, Oregon
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