Displaying 20 results from an estimated 37 matches for "mam".
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2018 Mar 16
Help on multi-line plot
Hello R-Users
I am struggling with this line plot, it might be simple but I am missing
something here.
First of all I want to make multiple line plots across seasons
(DJF,MAM,JJA,SON) for 12 variables (here, called nodes) and fill them with
the node.
So that season=x-axis, node=line col and freq=y-axis.
My plot currently links all DJFs, MAMs, JJAs and SONs, however I will like
them to be linked across seasons, so that for node 1, I should have a line
plot of DJF, MAM,...
2003 Nov 30
with for objects
Is there a form of with (or an equivalent function) that can be applied
to objects?
I'd like to be able to write something like (drawing from bioconductor +
trellis as an example)
xyplot(maA ~ maM | maPrintTip, object = swirl[,1]) which would be
interpreted as xyplot(swirl[,1]@maA ~ swirl[,1]@maM |
swirl[,1]@maPrintTip) (or even better, match functions not slots eg. as
xyplot(maA(swirl[,1]) ~ maM(swirl[,1]) | maPrintTip(swirl[,1])))
If there isn't, can any one offer any tips on writi...
2005 Mar 26
lme: random effects of a quadratic term
I am estimating the following model:
And when I try to plot the random effects of the quadratic term with
respect to a covariate (mam) I get an error:
> so2.lmeRE<-ranef(so2.lme,augFrame=T)
> plot(so2.lmeRE,form=I(alcadakm^2)~mam)
Error in plot.ranef.lme(so2.lmeRE, form = I(alcadakm^2) ~ mam ) :
Only single effects allowed in left side of form.
Any suggestion?
Montse Rue
2019 Mar 13
RFC: Getting ProfileSummaryInfo and BlockFrequencyInfo from various types of passes under the new pass manager
...and always get
> ModuleAnalysisManager and PSI (see below.) This actually happens in my
> experiment.
> SomeLoopPass::run(Loop &L, LoopAnalysisManager &LAM, …) {
> auto &FAM = LAM.getResult<FunctionAnalysisManagerLoopProxy>(L,
> AR).getManager();
> auto *MAMProxy = FAM.getCachedResult<ModuleAnalysisManagerFunctionProxy>(
> L.getHeader()->getParent()); *// Can be null*
Oh... well...
> If (MAMProxy) {
> auto &MAM = MAMProxy->getManager();
> auto *PSI = MAM.getCachedResult<ProfileSummaryAnalysis>(*F.getParent());
2011 Sep 22
Subsetting a zooreg object using window / subset
...7 and ends in 2001. This object contains daily data for the 4 years
My aim is to subset the data according to seasons (Southern Hemisphere) for continuous years: December - January - February (DJF-Summer: 1997-2001), March - April - May (MAM-Autumn: 1997-2001), June - July - August (JJA-Winter: 1997-2001), September - October - November (SON-Spring: 1997-2001) thereby analysing the seasons data only for all years. The example below is only for DJF but I would like to replicate the analysis for each season.
My solution so far uses subs...
2001 Oct 28
undelete files
Is there a way we can recover deleted files in samba
shared folders??
Quality Results Incorporated
2004 Sep 28
(no subject)
...t;,"g","d","e"), name="AnExample")
This is an example in "package.skeleton" . And I find a new folder "AnExample" created in "D:\ R\ rw109\ ". Enter the "AnExample" folder , there are 4 folders "data", "mam", "R","src" and 2 files "DESCRIPTION" and "README".
2). I type "> search()" but no "AnExample". What should I do to setup the package?
Best Regards
YiYao Jiang
Product Division/ product Testing Department
2012 Jan 13
Rozważania odnośnie storage?
Aktualnie mam do czynienia z klastrem pocztowym, w kt?rym pliki
wiadomo?ci pocztowych u?ytkownik?w s? przechowywane na raid
software-owym udost?pnianym po NFS. Serwer?w NFS jest kilka, ka?dy
udost?pnia podzbi?r wiadomo?ci dla odpowiedniego serwera z postfix-em,
kt?ry jest klientem NFS. Dane z jakiego serwera NFS...
2019 Mar 13
RFC: Getting ProfileSummaryInfo and BlockFrequencyInfo from various types of passes under the new pass manager
>>>> call getResult for PSI and BFI. However, this would
>>>> still involve running an outer-scope analysis from
>>>> an inner-scope pass.
>>>> Caching the FAM and the MAM proxies
>>>> We could consider caching the
>>>> FunctionalAnalysisManager and the
>>>> ModuleAnalysisManager proxies once early on instead
>>>> of adding a new proxy. But it seems to not...
2006 Dec 17
best regards,
Claire Pujoll
Paris, France
Rawdata <- read.GenePix(targets=Macro_Mono_targets,skip=107)
design<- cbind(individual=c(0,0,1,1,2,2,3,3,4,4,5,5),
fit <- lmFit(normdata@maM, design)
contrast.matrix<-makeContrasts(dim1vsdim2=dim2-dim1, levels=design)
fit2 <- contrasts.fit(fit,contrast.matrix)
fiteb <- eBayes(fit2)
Toptable <- topTable(fiteb,number = 10600,genelist=maGeneTable(normdata),
resort.by= "M", adjust="BY")...
2009 Nov 24
Subscript out of bounds
The script is as follows:
> Forecast.A <- ts(matrix(NA, nrow=25, ncol = 1,
+ dimnames = list(c(), c("Outcome"))),
+ start = c(2006, 10), frequency = 12)
> for (i in 1:25) {
+ j <- i + 321
+ Data <- window(omxr, end = time(omxr)[j])
+ Result <- ets(Data, model = "MAM")
+ Forecast1 <- forecast(Result, 1)
+ Forecast.A[i, 2] <- window(omxr, start = time(omxr)[j +
+ 1], end = time(omxr)[j + 1])[[1]]
+ }
What am I doing wrong?
View this message in context: http://old.nabble.com/Subscript-out-of-bounds-tp26499901p26499901.html
Sent from the...
2003 Mar 23
config help to open win98,2000
I am installing linux 8 in one system in windows
nwtwork (nearly 200 window 98.2000 systems)
from my linux 8 system I can able to view all windows
system and shard folders if open the folder system
give the error massage your not having permission to
pleas help me to open and copy
my email a...
2003 Jul 30
samba a Domena Win 2000
Mam problem :) Chce zeby profile moich uzytkownikow byly zrzucane na
serwer z samba. Wszystko skonfigurowalem, i najednym komputerze to
dziala na innym nie, paradoksem jest to ze kazdy z tych komputerow ma
ten sam system opoercyjny (win xp) a loguje sie n atego samego
uzytkownika. Prosze o pomoc
2018 Jul 02
subset con los casos presentes en otra df
Buenas, una vez más. Utilizo:
data <- subset(data,data$Key %in% data2$Key)
para quedarme con los casos de data que están también en data2, de
acuerdo a la variable Key.
¿Cómo sería si quiero que sean los que coinciden en Key1 y Key2? Pense
hacer un collapse con Key1 y key2, tanto en data como data2, y usarlo
como uso key en el ejemplo de arriba, pero debe haber una forma más
2011 Jul 07
Select element out of several ncdf variables
...ts in total). The datasets have the following
dimensions: 96 longitudes, 48 latitudes and 30 time steps. To read all of
them in, I wrote the following loop:
runs <- c("03","04","05","06")
years <- c(1851,1961,2061)
seasons <- c("DJF","MAM","JJA","SON")
for (i in runs) {
for (j in years) {
for (k in seasons) {
data <- open.ncdf(paste("/data09/cstocker/data/atm/tr_1500_",
i,"/PRECT/PREC_tr1500_", i,"_", j,"_", k,".nc", sep=""))
prect <- get.v...
2009 Aug 05
[LLVMdev] [cfe-dev] clang can't working on windows with mingw or msvc properly
> Hello,
>> can't be compiled with ml. or I don't know how to.
> Correct. This never worked properly and ml it too weak to be able to
> compile something non-trivial. The support of mams was dropped
> recently from the mainline.
But at least, we need to support mingw:) maybe we just set mingw as
default on windows platform. Because mingw is getting more and more
And just need little code.
I think mingw now is stable enough now.
So we need to set -triple i386-pc-mingw...
2011 Jan 24
commercial software license with XEN "xm" command?
Hi Sir, Mam,
I plan to develop a commercial (proprietary) software that would have a system call to XEN "xm" command. Since XEN and Samba license are GPL, I'' like to make sure if I can release my commercial software with a commercial license instead of GPL? and what particular things I shou...
2004 May 05
externals controls normalization
...; 2002 paper. I work with
bioconductor marrayNorm package. I identified my controls in the
maControls structure of marrayLayout as a vector of 0 and 1. Is
someone still use it ? for the moment I just have ...
test <- maNormMain(manip.raw, f.loc = list(maNormLoess(x="maA",
y="maM", z="maControls",subset=TRUE)))
but answer is Error in simpleLoess(y, x, w, span, degree, parametric,
drop.square, normalize, : invalid `x'
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2007 Apr 17
About PLR
Hello Sir/Mam
I am Nitish Kumar Mishra from IMTECH, Chandigarh, India. I want to
calculate the Principal Component Analysis(PCA), PLS of the input file and
find top 30 PCAs of this file using PLS in R. I am asking regarding
Linux(Red Hat 9) operating system.
I have downloaded PLS from Crains site and try to inst...
2008 Mar 11
...during initialization of VM
Could not reserve enough space for object heap
Error in .jinit() : Cannot create Java virtual machine (-4)
I have C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.6.0_04 and C:\Program
Files\Java\jre1.6.0_05 both installed
Appreciate for any replies as I am not using Java at all.
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