Hi, I’m having mayor issues with predict from the nnet package. I’m training a neural network for forecasting. I trained the network with info from 1995 to 2009 and I want to forecast month by month 2010.(the network forecasts one month at a time). Since I have to do iterative forecasting, im using predict several times including, including the new forecast each time, but for some reason predict doesn’t forecast after the first itereation. Here is my code: pronostico4=function(x,rezagosx,muestra, reps, tam, maxi,vo,net){ library(timeSeries) library(nnet) library(dummies) x=as.timeSeries(x) X=NULL for (k in 1:length(rezagosx)) { X=cbind(X, lag(diff(log(x)),rezagosx[k])) } pred=predict(net, X,type="raw") print(sum(is.na(pred))) pred[muestra]=diff(log(x))[muestra] pred=exp(diffinv(pred[is.na(pred)==0],xi=log(vo)) ) muestra2=muestra muestra2[max(which(muestra2==1))+1]=TRUE print(length(pred)) print(sum(muestra2)) print(sum(is.na(X))) x[muestra2]=pred[1:sum(muestra2)] return(x) } muestra=(is.na(a[,"Precio.Promedio.Bolsa"])==0 & a[,"año"]<2009) pred=a[,"Precio.Promedio.Bolsa"] pred[muestra==F]=NA pred=as.timeSeries(pred) X=NULL for (k in 1:length(rezagosx)) { X=cbind(X, lag(diff(log(pred)),rezagosx[k])) } net=nnet2(diff(log(pred)),X,muestra,reps,tam,maxi) for (i in 1:12){ pred=pronostico4(pred,rezagosx,muestra,reps,tam,maxi,vo,net) muestra[max(which(muestra==1))+1]=TRUE } Mauricio Romero Quantil S.A. Cel: 3112231150 "It is from the earth that we must find our substance; it is on the earth that we must find solutions to the problems that promise to destroy all life here" [[alternative HTML version deleted]]