Luis Ridao Cruz
2009-Sep-24 10:51 UTC
[R] Maximum likelihood estimation of parameters make no biological sense
R-help, I'm trying to estimate some parameters using the Maximum Likehood method. The model describes fish growth using a sigmoidal-type of curve: fn_w <- function(params) { Winf <- params[1] k <- params[2] t0 <- params[3] b <- params[4] sigma <- params[5] what <- Winf * (1-exp(- k *(tt - t0)))^b logL <- -sum(dnorm(log(wobs),log(what),sqrt(sigma),TRUE)) return(logL) } tt <- 4:14 wobs <- c(1.545, 1.920, 2.321 ,2.591, 3.676, 4.425 ,5.028, 5.877, 6.990, 6.800 ,6.900) An then the optimization method: OPT <-optim(c(8, .1, 0, 3, 1), fn_w, method="L-BFGS-B" ,lower=c(0.0, 0.001, 0.001,0.001, 0.01), upper = rep(Inf, 5), hessian=TRUE, control=list(trace=1)) which gives: $par Winf k t0 b sigma [1] 24.27206813 0.04679844 0.00100000 1.61760492 0.01000000 $value [1] -11.69524 $counts function gradient 143 143 $convergence [1] 0 $message [1] "CONVERGENCE: REL_REDUCTION_OF_F <= FACTR*EPSMCH" $hessian [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [1,] 1.867150e+00 1.262763e+03 -7.857719 -5.153276e+01 -1.492850e-05 [2,] 1.262763e+03 8.608461e+05 -5512.469266 -3.562137e+04 9.693180e-05 [3,] -7.857719e+00 -5.512469e+03 41.670222 2.473167e+02 -5.356813e+01 [4,] -5.153276e+01 -3.562137e+04 247.316675 1.535086e+03 -1.464370e-03 [5,] -1.492850e-05 9.693180e-05 -53.568127 -1.464370e-03 1.730462e+04 after iteration number 80.>From the biological point of view Winf =24(hipothesized asimptotical maximum weight)makes no sense while the b parameter is no nearly close to b=3 leading to a non-sigmoidal curve. However using the least-squares method provide with more sensible parameter estimates $par Winf k t0 b [1] 10.3827256 0.0344187 3.1751376 2.9657368 $value [1] 2.164403 $counts function gradient 48 48 $convergence [1] 0 $message [1] "CONVERGENCE: REL_REDUCTION_OF_F <= FACTR*EPSMCH" Is there anything wrong with my MLE function and parameters? I have tried with distinct initial parameters also. Can anyone give me a clue on this? Thanks in advance.
dave fournier
2009-Sep-25 00:21 UTC
[R] Maximum likelihood estimation of parameters make no biological sense
Hi, Your results are do to using an unstable parameterization of the Von Bertalanffy growth curve, combined with the unreliable optimization methods supplied with R. I coded up your model in AD Model Builder which supplies exact derivatives through AD. I used your starting values and ran the model with no optimization steps just to se that we had the same value for the -log-likelihood Results are # Number of parameters = 5 Objective function value = -11.6954 Maximum gradien t component = 0.00000 # winf: 24.2720681300 # k: 0.0467984400000 # t0: 0.00100000000000 # vhat: 0.0100000000000 # b: 1.61760492000 However the R routine is stuck. When I let the ADMB code run it produced # Number of parameters = 5 Objective function value = -13.8515 Maximum gradient component = 9.41643e-05 # winf: 15.7188821203 # k: 0.118198731245 # t0: -32.9089295327 # vhat: 0.00471832483493 # b: 184.999879271 Note that b--> infinity. I have it bounded at 185. t0--> -infinity so that the model is only using a small part of the growth curve which happens to fit the data better. The estimated correlation matrix for the parameter estimates tells the story index name value std dev 1 2 3 4 5 1 winf 1.5719e+01 5.1252e+00 1.0000 2 k 1.1820e-01 2.7849e-02 -0.9832 1.0000 3 t0 -3.2909e+01 7.6867e+00 -0.9748 0.9990 1.0000 4 vhat 4.7183e-03 2.0119e-03 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.0000 5 b 1.8500e+02 1.6374e+00 -0.0002 0.0003 -0.0094 0.0000 1.0000 You can see that several of the parameters are highly confounded. Also the eigenvalues of the Hessian are 0.01691149331 0.02045399106 963.2994413 2255.900979 4225373.963 So you have a condition number of about 10^8. Very difficult to work with such a function with only approximate derivatives. I think the moral of the story is that you should use a more stable parameterization or an industrial strength estimation system or maybe both. Cheers, Dave Cheers, Dave -- David A. Fournier P.O. Box 2040, Sidney, B.C. V8l 3S3 Canada Phone/FAX 250-655-3364