Dear R users, There is a new version (1.5-1) of the Rcmdr package. Here, from the CHANGES files, are changes since the last minor version (1.4-0) was released a year ago: ------------------------------------------------------- Version 1.4-1 o The following updated translations have been added: Catalan (thanks to Manel Salamero), French (thanks to Philippe Grojean), Japanese (thanks to Takaharu Araki), Romanian (thanks to Adrian Dusa), and Slovenian (thanks to Jaro.Lajovic). Version 1.4-2 o For cases where translated help files of the form Commander-xx.Rd won't compile (where "xx" is the language code), translators can now provide a PDF file named Commander-xx.pdf to be substituted when users select Menu -> Commander help. (Thanks to Alexey Shipunov for helping me with this problem.) o Dialogs that reset the active data set no longer do so if an error occurs; previously, resetting the active data set caused error messages to scroll off out of sight in the Messages window (problem reported by Peter Dalgaard). o Improved error checking and protection in distributions dialogs. Version 1.4-3 o Fixed a bug in the scroll-bar for the RHS of model formulas (reported by Ulrich Halekoh). o Fixed problem with some legends in plotMeans() (reported by Rich Heiberger). o Updated Spanish translation (courtesy Rcmdr Spanish translation team). Version 1.4-4 o Small changes to Hist() to make it more flexible (suggested by Gilles Marcou). Version 1.4-5 o Change to Message(), which posts messages to the Message window, to prevent the window from freezing in (some) Windows systems under R 2.8.0 (problem reported by Rich Heiberger). o Updated Indonesian translation (thanks to I. Made Tirta). Version 1.4-6 o Added polr and multinom models to effect-plots, consistent with latest version of effects package. o ttkentry() redefined to trim leading and trailing blanks (to avoid potential problems when user introduces a leading or trailing blank in a text field, as reported by Rich Heiberger). o An attempt is made to break commands at blanks and commas to fit them in the script and output windows. o Improvements to the one-way and multi-way ANOVA dialogs, including saving the models that are produced (suggested by Rich Heiberger). o Improvements and bug fixes to handling of plug-in menu installation. o New function MacOSXP() to test for Mac OS X; used to suppress "Data -> New data set" menu, since the Mac data editor causes R to hang when called with an empty data frame (reported by Rob Goedman and Tracy Lightcap). o When character values are entered in the data editor after "Data -> New data set", the corresponding variable is converted to a factor. o When console.output is TRUE, messages as well as output now go to the R Console and the Commander Messages window (as well as the Output window) is suppressed (with code contributed by Richard Heiberger). o Small changes. Version 1.4-7 o Improved Brazilian Portuguese translation, contributed by Adriano Azevedo-Filho and Marilia Sa Carvalho. o Added function sortVarNames(), which sorts variable names including numerals into a more "natural" order than does sort(); used in variable lists when the Rcmdr option "sort.names" is TRUE, which is the default. o Small changes. Version 1.4-8 o Export data set now allows an arbitrary field separator (suggested by Marilia Sa Carvalho). o Menus can now use translation files supplied by plug-ins. o Path names with apostrophes should no longer produce an "unbalanced parentheses" error. o Added files for Debian Linux (from Pietro Battiston and Dirk Eddelbuettel). o Small changes. Version 1.4-9 o Upated Russian translation (courtesy of Alexey Shipunov). o Fixed bug in BreuschPaganTest() that prevented dialog from functioning (reported by Michel Pouchain). Version 1.4-10 o Corrected problem in paste in Command window in non-Windows systems (reported by Liviu Andronic). o Fixed handling of X11 warnings which was disrupted by showData(), and added check for "Warning in structure" (problems reported by Liviu Andronic). o Prefixes used when output is directed to the R console are no longer hard-coded, but can be set by the "prefixes" Rcmdr option (to satisfy a request by Liviu Andronic). Version 1.4-11 o Correction to .mo file for Brazilian Portuguese translation (supplied by Adriano Azevedo-Filho following report by Donald Pianto). o Added summary() output to principal components (suggested by Liviu Andronic). Version 1.5-0 o Added model-selection dialogs, stepwise and subset (several requests). o Modifications to model-definition dialogs (suggested by Ulrike Gromping): If you select several variables in the variable-list box, clicking on the +, *, or : button will enter them into the model formula. o The compare-models and Anova-table code for GLMs now uses F-tests when the dispersion parameter is estimated (after a suggstion by Ulrich Halekoh). o Added optional pairwise p-values to correlations dialog (several requests); new rcorr.adjust() function, adapted from code sent by Robert A. Muenchen. o New Library() command for loading packages. Packages generally attached in position 4, to avoid masking objects in Rcmdr and car. o Messages in the Messages window are now numbered, according to the Rcmdr number.messages option (suggested by Liviu Andronic). o Added dialog box to merge rows and columns, along with mergeRows() function (after a suggestion by Stephen Shamblen). o Added aggregate dialog box to aggregate variables by factor(s) (after a suggestion by Stephen Shamblen). o Added variable.list.width option (suggested by Liviu Andronic). o Under Windows, a check is made for the mdi and a warning message printed, if it's detected (courtesy of code from Uwe Ligges). o Updated Commander.Rd. o Small changes. Version 1.5-1 o Fixes to links in docs (pointed out by Brian Ripley). ------------------------------------------------------- New version in the 1.5-x series will be released as updated translations become available and if bugs surface. Of course, bug reports and suggestions are appreciated. Regards, John ------------------------------------------------------- John Fox Department of Sociology Senator William McMaster Professor of Social Statistics McMaster University Hamilton, Ontario, Canada web: