Displaying 20 results from an estimated 135 matches for "andronic".
2009 Aug 30
version 1.5-1 of Rcmdr package released
...ion 1.4-9
o Upated Russian translation (courtesy of Alexey Shipunov).
o Fixed bug in BreuschPaganTest() that prevented dialog from functioning
(reported by Michel Pouchain).
Version 1.4-10
o Corrected problem in paste in Command window in non-Windows systems
(reported by Liviu Andronic).
o Fixed handling of X11 warnings which was disrupted by showData(), and
added check for "Warning in structure" (problems reported by Liviu
o Prefixes used when output is directed to the R console are no longer
hard-coded, but can be set by the "prefixes&q...
2009 Aug 20
expanding 1:12 months to Jan:Dec
Dear R users
I would like to do some spreadsheet style expansion of dates. For
example, I would need to obtain a vector of months. I approached in an
obviously wrong way:
> paste(01:12)
[1] "1" "2" "3" "4" "5" "6" "7" "8" "9" "10" "11" "12"
> as.Date(paste(01:12),
2013 Apr 15
how to transform string to "Camel Case"?
Dear all,
Given the following vector:
> (z <- c('R project', 'hello world', 'something Else'))
[1] "R project" "hello world" "something Else"
I know how to obtain all capitals or all lower case letters:
> tolower(z)
[1] "r project" "hello world" "something else"
> toupper(z)
[1] "R
2010 Aug 04
retrieve name of an object?
Dear all
Is there an easier way to retrieve the name of an object? For example,
> tmp <- 1:10
> as.character(quote(tmp))
[1] "tmp"
> as.character(quote(mtcars$cyl))
[1] "$" "mtcars" "cyl"
> as.character(quote(mtcars$cyl))[3]
[1] "cyl"
The last call more than anything seems a hack. Is there a better way?
Thank you
2009 May 15
replace "%" with "\%"
Dear all,
I'm trying to gsub() "%" with "\%" with no obvious success.
> temp1 <- c("mean", "sd", "0%", "25%", "50%", "75%", "100%")
> temp1
[1] "mean" "sd" "0%" "25%" "50%" "75%" "100%"
> gsub("%",
2011 Aug 10
convert 'list' to 'vector'?
Dear all
How does one convert a "non-symmetric" list to a vector? See below:
> x <- list()
> x[[1]] <- letters[1:5]
> x[[2]] <- letters[6:10]
> x[[3]] <- letters[11:12]
> x
[1] "a" "b" "c" "d" "e"
[1] "f" "g" "h" "i" "j"
[1] "k"
2012 Jul 10
fill 0-row data.frame with 1 line of NAs
Dear all
Is there a simpler method to achieve the following: When I obtain an
empty data.frame after subsetting, I need for it to contain one line
of NAs. Here's a dummy example:
> (.xb <- iris[ iris$Species=='zz', ])
[1] Sepal.Length Sepal.Width Petal.Length Petal.Width Species
<0 rows> (or 0-length row.names)
> dim(.xb)
[1] 0 5
> (.xa <-
2012 May 05
alarm() doesn't beep
Dear all
I'd like to make a beeping sound in R, but alarm() doesn't beep? I
checked ?alarm but I couldn't find any pointers to system
configuration. Any ideas?
> sessionInfo()
R version 2.14.2 (2012-02-29)
Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (64-bit)
2011 Mar 06
sorting & subsetting a data.frame
Dear all
This may be obvious, but I cannot get it working. I'm trying to subset
& sort a data frame in one go.
x <- iris
x$Species1 <- as.character(x$Species)
##subsetting alone works fine
with(x, x[Sepal.Length==6.7,])
##sorting alone works fine
with(x, x[order(Sepal.Length, rev(sort(Species1))),])
##gets subsetted, but not sorted as expected
with(x, x[(Sepal.Length==6.7) &
2010 Oct 09
same random numbers in different sessions
Dear all
I'm using Xubuntu Lucid and I keep getting the same random numbers
whenever I start a new session of R. For example, I keep getting
> sample(1:1000, 1)
[1] 87
> rnorm(1:10)
[1] -1.3618103 0.4241701 1.0720076 0.2208145 -0.5375314 -0.4846588
[7] 0.7576768 0.6527407 -0.6868786 0.8718527
I expected that some set.seed() instruction woudl be present in a
config file in
2007 Oct 17
Trouble with R CMD INSTALL
Why does R CMD INSTALL work for some packages (e.g., lme4) but not
others (e.g., nlme)?
2008 Dec 03
alternative way to replicate()
Dear all,
I'm looking for an alternative way to replicate the "2," string for an
x number of times, and end up with one string containing "2," x times.
I can partly achieve this using replicate().
> y <- rep("2,", times=3)
> y
[1] "2," "2," "2,"
The output that I am looking for is, however, "2,2,2,". I also tried
2008 Oct 30
"A critique of R and S-PLUS"
Dear all,
The other day I stumbled on this article, "A critique of R and S-PLUS"
[1], and got curious on whether the points outlined are (still) valid.
The article is quite old, dating 2004, but was updated several times.
[1] http://fluff.info/blog/arch/00000041.htm
Do you know how to read?
Do you know how to write?
2011 Aug 19
display only the top-right half of a correlation matrix?
Dear all
Is there an easy way to display only one half (top-right or
bottom-left) of a correlation matrix?
> require(Hmisc)
> rcorr(as.matrix(mtcars[ , 1:4]))
mpg cyl disp hp
mpg 1.00 -0.85 -0.85 -0.78
cyl -0.85 1.00 0.90 0.83
disp -0.85 0.90 1.00 0.79
hp -0.78 0.83 0.79 1.00
n= 32
mpg cyl disp hp
mpg 0 0 0
cyl 0 0 0
disp 0 0
2007 Dec 05
Export to LaTeX using xtable() - Control the digits to the right of the separator [solved]
...0 & 4267 & 6553 & 179774 \\
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Romain Francois <rfrancois at mango-solutions.com>
Date: Dec 5, 2007 2:10 PM
Subject: RE: [R] alternatives to latex() or xtable() ?
To: Liviu Andronic <landronimirc at gmail.com>
You need to look at the digits argument of xtable that would allow you
to control this i think.
> xtable( numSummary( iris[,1:4] ) , digit = c( 0, 0, 2,2,2,2,2,2,0) )
% latex table generated in R 2.6.0 by xtable 1.5-2 package
% Wed Dec 05 13:07:47 2007
2010 Dec 06
R crashes when making graphs
i am running R with JGR and Deducer under Ubuntu Mint Lucid. since i updated to R 2.12 i can no longer make graphs - R just crashes.
the full error report was posted to launchpad (https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/openjdk-6/+bug/675905) without any success so far.
anyone with a similar problem or helpful suggestions?
2010 Jan 07
Finally, the first R spam!
Hi R friends and users,
Just for fun (or concern): I received a R spam mail. Perhaps the first
in history...
Subject: R Courses and Consulting
From: R Training33 <rtrainers33a at gmail.com>
> R Courses and Consulting
> Dear Sir,
> We are working on our 2010 R training schedule and would like to know
> if you are interested in attending R courses this year.
2011 Oct 03
extracting p-values in scientific notation
Dear all
How does print.htest display the p-value in scientific notation?
> (x <- cor.test(iris[[1]], iris[[3]]))
Pearson's product-moment correlation
data: iris[[1]] and iris[[3]]
t = 21.65, df = 148, p-value < 2.2e-16
alternative hypothesis: true correlation is not equal to 0
95 percent confidence interval:
0.8270 0.9055
sample estimates:
Above the p-value comes
2011 Nov 24
proper work-flow with 'formula' objects and lm()
Dear all
I have a work-flow issue with lm(). When I use
> lm(y1~x1, anscombe)
lm(formula = y1 ~ x1, data = anscombe)
(Intercept) x1
3.0001 0.5001
I get as expected the formula, "y1 ~ x1", in the print()ed results or
summary(). However, if I pass through a formula object
> (form <- formula(y1~x1))
y1 ~ x1
> lm(form, anscombe)
2008 Oct 08
R seven years ago
Hello everyone,
As some may know, today Google unveiled its 2001 search index [1]. I
was curious to see how was R like at that time, and was not
disappointed. Compared to today's main page [2], seven years ago the
page looked [3] a bit rudimentary, especially the graphic. (It is wort
noting that structurally the pages are very similar.) What definitely
changed is the `Contributed