Julien Beguin
2009-Apr-23 14:27 UTC
[R] Problem to get a simple Analysis of Variance table with lmer()
Dear R users, Is someone know how to get a simple analysis of variance table using other random distribution than normal (ex: Poisson or Binomial)? When I try, I recieved this message: (See my R code below) --------------------- R response ---------------------------- Erreur dans anova(fit.poisson) : single argument anova for GLMMs not yet implemented OR Erreur dans anova(fit.binomial) : single argument anova for GLMMs not yet implemented ------------------------------------------------------------- Here is the code that I used for a quick simulation of my data and for a gaussian distribution I have no problem to get a simple table but not when I use poisson or binomial distribution... Is it possible that it is effectively not yet implemented in the lmer package? or did I make something wrong? ------------------------- My R code --------------------------------- z1<-as.factor(rep(seq(1:2), each=48)) # first random factor with 2 levels z2<-as.factor(rep(seq(1:16), each=6)) # second random factor (= repetition) x1<-as.factor(rep(seq(1:3), 32)) # first fixed factor with three levels x2<-as.character(rep(rep(seq(c("O","N")), each=3), 16)) # second fixed factor with 2 levels y.integer<-as.integer(runif(96, 0, 25)) # response variable (integer) y.binary<-as.integer(rbinom(96, 1,0.5)) # response variable (binary) data.test<-as.data.frame(cbind(z1,z2,x1,x2,y)) data.test$y<-as.integer(data.test$y) The models that I have tested: fit.normal<-lmer(y.integer~x1*x2 + (1|z1/z2/x1), data=data.test, family=gaussian) anova(fit.normal) summary(fit.normal) fit.poisson<-lmer(y.integer~x1*x2 + (1|z1/z2/x1), data=data.test, family=poisson(link = "log")) anova(fit.poisson) summary(fit.poisson) fit.binomial<-lmer(y.binary~x1*x2 + (1|z1/z2/x1), data=data.test, family=binomial(link = "logit")) anova(fit.binomial) summary(fit.binomial) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Thank's in advance for you amswer. Julien -- Julien Beguin Etudiant au doctorat Facult? de Foresterie et de G?omatique Universit? Laval, local 2113 2405 rue de la Terrasse, G1V 0A6 Qu?bec (Qc) Tel: (418) 656-2131 poste 2620 http://www.cen.ulaval.ca/anticosti/jbeguin.html