Hi all,
I have a visualization question regarding sets. My problem is as follows:
I have several sets, each having some members (or 'points'). I would
like to connect the points, while keeping the sets. For example,
if I have 3 sets (Set 1 contains points A, B, C):
Set 1:
A, B, C
Set 2:
A, D, E
Set 3:
C, D, G, H
I would like each set to be represented by a circle (or rectangle),
with each point within that set labeled. Further, I would like to link
(with a solid line) the common points between the sets. So, 'A' in Set
1 would be connected with 'A' in Set 2. Which package/function would be
best to handle this? It would also be great if I could set the color of
the lines/points too.
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