Hi, I am comparing three treatments. The data come from a longitudinal study, and for each treatment I have only 1 case, on which the observations across 20 years are made. My main aim is to compare the three treatments, but the effect of time is of interest as well. Which of the many R functions should I use for that purpose? I applied the aov function and received this: ------------------------------------------------------------- Call: aov(formula = Y ~ Treatment + Year + Error(Treatment/Year)) Grand Mean: 0.5690324 Stratum 1: Y Terms: Treatment Sum of Squares 0.01410447 Deg. of Freedom 2 Estimated effects may be unbalanced Stratum 2: Treatment:Year Terms: Year Residuals Sum of Squares 0.8082173 0.3400290 Deg. of Freedom 20 40 Residual standard error: 0.09219938 Estimated effects may be unbalanced ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Summary(fit) gives p-value for year, but not for Treatment: Error: SIS Df Sum Sq Mean Sq SIS 2 0.0141045 0.0070522 Error: SIS:Year Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F) Year 20 0.80822 0.04041 4.7538 1.384e-05 *** Residuals 40 0.34003 0.00850 Am I doing something wrong? Or any other function should work better here? (I am using 2.7.2 R under Windows XP.) Many thanks, Wolf [[alternative HTML version deleted]]