On Feb 3, 2010, at 3:52 PM, Jan Hlodan wrote:> Hi,
> can anybody explain me what does it mean?:
> ips% pfexec zfs recv storage/ips/osol-dev/sync_repo <
> cannot receive incremental stream: most recent snapshot of
storage/ips/osol-dev/sync_repo does not
> match incremental source
> ips%
Check the file system snapshots on each file system to see where the
discrepancy is. If the receiving file system has a snapshot after the last,
common snapshot, then you will get this message.
> I used to receive incremental snapshot to sync ips repository, but now I
can''t receive a new one.
> (option -F doesn''t help)
Check the snapshots for each file system. Where I usually trip over this is when
my backup machine also has auto-snapshot enabled for the backup file systems.
Since this property is inherited, it can be set on the backup system
-- richard