There seems to be a rash of posts lately where people are resetting or rebooting without getting any data, so I thought I''d post a quick overview on collecting crash dumps. If you think you''ve got a hang problem with ZFS and you want to gather data for someone to look at, then here are a few steps you should take. If you already know all about gathering crash dumps on Solaris, feel free to delete now. 1) Make sure crash dumps are enabled Enable saving of crash dumps by executing as root or with pfexec ''dumpadm -y''. The most reasonable trade-off of information vs size in the crash dump is probably ''dumpadm -c curproc'' If you''re running Opensolaris you likely already have a dedicated zvol as a dump device. If you''re running SXCE you may need to dedicate a disk or slice for dump purposes. Change or dedicate the dump device with ''dumpadm -d <device>'' See dumpadm(1M) for more info. 2) There are at least a couple of ways to capture crash dumps. As root or with pfexec run ''savecore -L''. This is a point-in-time capture of what''s happening on the live system. The system continues to run during the capture so the results can be slightly inconsistent, but the machine won''t reboot. Good if you think whatever is hung is still making progress. If you really don''t mind rebooting, then ''reboot -nd'' will most often get a dump without the dump also hanging up and forcing you to hard reset anyway. --- Number 1 is best done now, before you have a hang. It won''t hurt anything to have crash dumps enabled - and if you ever get a panic you''ll have the data needed for someone to analyze the issue. If the crash dump saving works, the default location for the dumps to be stored is the directory /var/crash/<hostname>. -tim