Wouldn''t it be nice to have file revisions implemented in ZFS? Mainframe FS (e.g. MVS) have this, and I think it should not be too hard to implement this in ZFS. Use Cases: * Simple configuration management, below SCCS etc. * Simple built-in FS "trash bin" * Set # of revisions high for user homes and /var, even higher for /etc FS, set it low for /usr. * you name it Benefits: * less administrative costs, e.g. cfg mgmt for the average case * "trash bin" indepentant of GUI * you name it Functionality: * The attibute ''active_revision'' allows me to retrieve an old copy of a file. As long I do not alter it''s contents, I can retrieve younger revisions. On write, all younger revisions are discarded (keep it simple). * I can label a revision with a tag, similar to well known VS''s Discussion topics: * disk space comsumption is ruled by a simple logic: min_revisions overrules min_free_space? * you name it Quick brainsstorm: We would need a few new FS and file attributes, and some functions: revisions="on"|"off" rev:compress="on"|"off"|"lzjb"|"gzip" # inherited from the FS compression rev:max_revisions=integer|"none" (default)|"unlimited" rev:min_revisions=integer|"none" (default) rev:min_free=integer[specifier] # spec can the usual b,k,M,G,T, % or "none" and for convenience a few file attributes alike: rev:max_revisions,rev:min_revisions,rev:revisions (ro), rev:active_revision, rev:tag Any comments? Paul --- $ locate groupsex /opt/gnome/lib/epiphany/1.8/extensions/libtabgroupsextension.so This message posted from opensolaris.org