Alderman, Sean wrote:> Does anyone on the list have definitive information on whether ZFS works
> with CLARiiON devices?
> bash-3.00# uname -a
> SunOS XXXXXXX 5.10 Generic_118833-33 sun4u sparc SUNW,Sun-Fire-V245
> bash-3.00# powermt display dev=all
> Pseudo name=emcpower0a
> CLARiiON ID=APM00033500540 [XXXXXXX]
> Logical device ID=600601607C550E00F25F4629AFBEDB11 [LUN 61]
> state=alive; policy=BasicFailover; priority=0; queued-IOs=0
> Owner: default=SP B, current=SP B
> =======================================================================>
=====> ---------------- Host --------------- - Stor - -- I/O Path - --
> Stats ---
> ### HW Path I/O Paths Interf. Mode State Q-IOs
> Errors
> =======================================================================>
=====> 3073 pci at 1f,700000/pci at 0/SUNW,emlxs at 2/fp at 0,0
c2t500601601020813Ed0s0 SP
> A0 active alive 0 0
> 3073 pci at 1f,700000/pci at 0/SUNW,emlxs at 2/fp at 0,0
c2t500601681020813Ed0s0 SP
> B0 active alive 0 0
> bash-3.00# zpool create dbtank01 emcpower0a
> internal error: Invalid argument
> Abort (core dumped)
If zpool dumps core, then it is bugged. Please file one.
-- richard
> According to the EMC support matrix, Solaris 10 11/06 ZFS is
> supported...both in SPARC and X86 environments on CLARiiON Hardware as
> of at least 4/2007. See
> lccnt_0.pdf, reference pages 25 and 141.
> I was able to dig up this post over at, but it''s not
> definitive...
>, though
> the basic conclusion seems to be that ZFS does not work on CLARiiON
> devices.
> If someone would like to look at the core file I''ll be happy to
send it
> along off-list. Also of note, is that I set the same thing up on a Sun
> Fire X4200 M2 the other day and was able to create a zpool on the same
> CLARiiON device.
> --
> Sean
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