Hi, I have a problem with a dom0 which is unable to launch my domU : all my dom0 are Debian Lenny amd64 with Debian kernel 2.6.26-2-xen-amd64 and xen-hypervisor-3.2-1-amd64. Then all domU (PV) are Debian Lenny amd64 too, with vanilla kernel So, this new dom0 can''t launch any domU which are working on an other dom0. Software is same on both dom0, and hardware is near the same. When I start the domU, I have this : > root! nyrki:~# xm create /etc/xen/thundercat.cfg -c > Using config file "/etc/xen/thundercat.cfg". > Started domain thundercat but the domU seem "freezed" : xm report a "r" status (it always stay in running status), and there is no error in logs. But console didn''t show anything. I repeat, this domU works like a charm on an other dom0. I dry with LVM and DRBD storage, without success. Have you an idea where can I found informations about why it is blocking ? Logs don''t seem really usefull here. I put the content of xend.log about the last "xm create" : [2009-08-01 12:32:21 3310] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:84) XendDomainInfo.create([''vm'', [''name'', ''thundercat''], [''memory'', ''256''], [''on_poweroff'', ''destroy''], [''on_reboot'', ''restart''], [''on_crash'', ''restart''], [''vcpus'', 1], [''on_xend_start'', ''ignore''], [''on_xend_stop'', ''ignore''], [''image'', [''linux'', [''kernel'', ''/boot/vmlinuz-'']]], [''device'', [''vbd'', [''uname'', ''''], [''dev'', ''xvda1''], [''mode'', ''w'']]], [''device'', [''vif'', [''ip'', ''91.121.*hidden*''], [''mac'', ''00:16:3E:3B:15:97'']]]]) [2009-08-01 12:32:21 3310] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:1618) XendDomainInfo.constructDomain [2009-08-01 12:32:21 3310] DEBUG (balloon:132) Balloon: 7754636 KiB free; need 2048; done. [2009-08-01 12:32:21 3310] DEBUG (XendDomain:443) Adding Domain: 8 [2009-08-01 12:32:21 3310] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:1703) XendDomainInfo.initDomain: 8 256 [2009-08-01 12:32:21 3310] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:1738) _initDomain:shadow_memory=0x0, memory_static_max=0x10000000, memory_static_min=0x0. [2009-08-01 12:32:21 3310] DEBUG (balloon:132) Balloon: 7754628 KiB free; need 262144; done. [2009-08-01 12:32:21 3310] INFO (image:139) buildDomain os=linux dom=8 vcpus=1 [2009-08-01 12:32:21 3310] DEBUG (image:363) domid = 8 [2009-08-01 12:32:21 3310] DEBUG (image:364) memsize = 256 [2009-08-01 12:32:21 3310] DEBUG (image:365) image = /boot/vmlinuz- [2009-08-01 12:32:21 3310] DEBUG (image:366) store_evtchn = 1 [2009-08-01 12:32:21 3310] DEBUG (image:367) console_evtchn = 2 [2009-08-01 12:32:21 3310] DEBUG (image:368) cmdline [2009-08-01 12:32:21 3310] DEBUG (image:369) ramdisk [2009-08-01 12:32:21 3310] DEBUG (image:370) vcpus = 1 [2009-08-01 12:32:21 3310] DEBUG (image:371) features [2009-08-01 12:32:21 3310] INFO (XendDomainInfo:1514) createDevice: vbd : {''uuid'': ''1cf74002-0a8f-7739-2456-dc91d9804a10'', ''bootable'': 1, ''driver'': ''paravirtualised'', ''dev'': ''xvda1'', ''uname'': '''', ''mode'': ''w''} [2009-08-01 12:32:21 3310] DEBUG (DevController:118) DevController: writing {''virtual-device'': ''51713'', ''device-type'': ''disk'', ''protocol'': ''x86_64-abi'', ''backend-id'': ''0'', ''state'': ''1'', ''backend'': ''/local/domain/0/backend/vbd/8/51713''} to /local/domain/8/device/vbd/51713. [2009-08-01 12:32:21 3310] DEBUG (DevController:120) DevController: writing {''domain'': ''thundercat'', ''frontend'': ''/local/domain/8/device/vbd/51713'', ''uuid'': ''1cf74002-0a8f-7739-2456-dc91d9804a10'', ''dev'': ''xvda1'', ''state'': ''1'', ''params'': '''', ''mode'': ''w'', ''online'': ''1'', ''frontend-id'': ''8'', ''type'': ''''} to /local/domain/0/backend/vbd/8/51713. [2009-08-01 12:32:21 3310] INFO (XendDomainInfo:1514) createDevice: vif : {''ip'': ''91.121.*hidden*'', ''mac'': ''00:16:3E:3B:15:97'', ''uuid'': ''37a0b119-90e8-f5bc-f9a9-590fa7d12816''} [2009-08-01 12:32:21 3310] DEBUG (DevController:118) DevController: writing {''mac'': ''00:16:3E:3B:15:97'', ''handle'': ''0'', ''protocol'': ''x86_64-abi'', ''backend-id'': ''0'', ''state'': ''1'', ''backend'': ''/local/domain/0/backend/vif/8/0''} to /local/domain/8/device/vif/0. [2009-08-01 12:32:21 3310] DEBUG (DevController:120) DevController: writing {''domain'': ''thundercat'', ''handle'': ''0'', ''uuid'': ''37a0b119-90e8-f5bc-f9a9-590fa7d12816'', ''script'': ''/etc/xen/scripts/vif-route'', ''ip'': '''', ''mac'': ''00:16:3E:3B:15:97'', ''frontend-id'': ''8'', ''state'': ''1'', ''online'': ''1'', ''frontend'': ''/local/domain/8/device/vif/0''} to /local/domain/0/backend/vif/8/0. [2009-08-01 12:32:21 3310] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:2195) Storing VM details: {''on_xend_stop'': ''ignore'', ''shadow_memory'': ''0'', ''uuid'': ''18411fde-e4f0-cd25-81ca-ab9a1034b632'', ''on_reboot'': ''restart'', ''start_time'': ''1249122741.47'', ''on_poweroff'': ''destroy'', ''on_xend_start'': ''ignore'', ''on_crash'': ''restart'', ''xend/restart_count'': ''0'', ''vcpus'': ''1'', ''vcpu_avail'': ''1'', ''image'': "(linux (kernel /boot/vmlinuz- (notes (HV_START_LOW 18446603336221196288) (FEATURES ''!writable_page_tables|pae_pgdir_above_4gb'') (VIRT_BASE 18446744071562067968) (GUEST_VERSION 2.6) (PADDR_OFFSET 0) (GUEST_OS linux) (HYPERCALL_PAGE 18446744071564201984) (LOADER generic) (SUSPEND_CANCEL 1) (PAE_MODE yes) (ENTRY 18446744071570776576) (XEN_VERSION xen-3.0)))", ''name'': ''thundercat''} [2009-08-01 12:32:21 3310] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:1008) Storing domain details: {''console/ring-ref'': ''2197081'', ''image/entry'': ''18446744071570776576'', ''console/port'': ''2'', ''store/ring-ref'': ''2197082'', ''image/loader'': ''generic'', ''vm'': ''/vm/18411fde-e4f0-cd25-81ca-ab9a1034b632'', ''control/platform-feature-multiprocessor-suspend'': ''1'', ''image/hv-start-low'': ''18446603336221196288'', ''image/guest-os'': ''linux'', ''image/virt-base'': ''18446744071562067968'', ''memory/target'': ''262144'', ''image/guest-version'': ''2.6'', ''image/pae-mode'': ''yes'', ''console/limit'': ''1048576'', ''image/paddr-offset'': ''0'', ''image/hypercall-page'': ''18446744071564201984'', ''image/suspend-cancel'': ''1'', ''cpu/0/availability'': ''online'', ''image/features/pae-pgdir-above-4gb'': ''1'', ''image/features/writable-page-tables'': ''0'', ''console/type'': ''xenconsoled'', ''name'': ''thundercat'', ''domid'': ''8'', ''image/xen-version'': ''xen-3.0'', ''store/port'': ''1''} [2009-08-01 12:32:21 3310] DEBUG (DevController:118) DevController: writing {''protocol'': ''x86_64-abi'', ''state'': ''1'', ''backend-id'': ''0'', ''backend'': ''/local/domain/0/backend/console/8/0''} to /local/domain/8/device/console/0. [2009-08-01 12:32:21 3310] DEBUG (DevController:120) DevController: writing {''domain'': ''thundercat'', ''frontend'': ''/local/domain/8/device/console/0'', ''uuid'': ''eb30a42b-eedd-524e-f98b-4b5932bd1f48'', ''frontend-id'': ''8'', ''state'': ''1'', ''location'': ''2'', ''online'': ''1'', ''protocol'': ''vt100''} to /local/domain/0/backend/console/8/0. [2009-08-01 12:32:21 3310] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:1092) XendDomainInfo.handleShutdownWatch [2009-08-01 12:32:21 3310] DEBUG (DevController:151) Waiting for devices vif. [2009-08-01 12:32:21 3310] DEBUG (DevController:156) Waiting for 0. [2009-08-01 12:32:21 3310] DEBUG (DevController:595) hotplugStatusCallback /local/domain/0/backend/vif/8/0/hotplug-status. [2009-08-01 12:32:21 3310] DEBUG (DevController:595) hotplugStatusCallback /local/domain/0/backend/vif/8/0/hotplug-status. [2009-08-01 12:32:21 3310] DEBUG (DevController:609) hotplugStatusCallback 1. [2009-08-01 12:32:21 3310] DEBUG (DevController:151) Waiting for devices vbd. [2009-08-01 12:32:21 3310] DEBUG (DevController:156) Waiting for 51713. [2009-08-01 12:32:21 3310] DEBUG (DevController:595) hotplugStatusCallback /local/domain/0/backend/vbd/8/51713/hotplug-status. [2009-08-01 12:32:21 3310] DEBUG (DevController:609) hotplugStatusCallback 1. [2009-08-01 12:32:21 3310] DEBUG (DevController:151) Waiting for devices irq. [2009-08-01 12:32:21 3310] DEBUG (DevController:151) Waiting for devices vkbd. [2009-08-01 12:32:21 3310] DEBUG (DevController:151) Waiting for devices vfb. [2009-08-01 12:32:21 3310] DEBUG (DevController:151) Waiting for devices console. [2009-08-01 12:32:21 3310] DEBUG (DevController:156) Waiting for 0. [2009-08-01 12:32:21 3310] DEBUG (DevController:151) Waiting for devices pci. [2009-08-01 12:32:21 3310] DEBUG (DevController:151) Waiting for devices ioports. [2009-08-01 12:32:21 3310] DEBUG (DevController:151) Waiting for devices tap. [2009-08-01 12:32:21 3310] DEBUG (DevController:151) Waiting for devices vtpm. [2009-08-01 12:32:21 3310] INFO (XendDomain:1165) Domain thundercat (8) unpaused. Thanks, Olivier _______________________________________________ Xen-users mailing list Xen-users@lists.xensource.com http://lists.xensource.com/xen-users
Hi, I have a problem with a dom0 which is unable to launch my domU : all my dom0 are Debian Lenny amd64 with Debian kernel 2.6.26-2-xen-amd64 and xen-hypervisor-3.2-1-amd64. Then all domU (PV) are Debian Lenny amd64 too, with vanilla kernel So, this new dom0 can''t launch any domU which are working on an other dom0. Software is same on both dom0, and hardware is near the same. When I start the domU, I have this :> root! nyrki:~# xm create /etc/xen/thundercat.cfg -c > Using config file "/etc/xen/thundercat.cfg". > Started domain thundercatbut the domU seem "freezed" : xm report a "r" status (it always stay in running status), and there is no error in logs. But console didn''t show anything. I repeat, this domU works like a charm on an other dom0. I try with LVM and DRBD storage, without success. From xentop, I saw that : thundercat -----r 914 100.0 262144 3.1 262144 3.1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 2149627 072 Have you an idea where can I found informations about why it is blocking ? Logs don''t seem really usefull here. I put the content of xend.log about the last "xm create" : [2009-08-01 12:32:21 3310] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:84) XendDomainInfo.create([''vm'', [''name'', ''thundercat''], [''memory'', ''256''], [''on_poweroff'', ''destroy''], [''on_reboot'', ''restart''], [''on_crash'', ''restart''], [''vcpus'', 1], [''on_xend_start'', ''ignore''], [''on_xend_stop'', ''ignore''], [''image'', [''linux'', [''kernel'', ''/boot/vmlinuz-'']]], [''device'', [''vbd'', [''uname'', ''''], [''dev'', ''xvda1''], [''mode'', ''w'']]], [''device'', [''vif'', [''ip'', ''91.121.*hidden*''], [''mac'', ''00:16:3E:3B:15:97'']]]]) [2009-08-01 12:32:21 3310] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:1618) XendDomainInfo.constructDomain [2009-08-01 12:32:21 3310] DEBUG (balloon:132) Balloon: 7754636 KiB free; need 2048; done. [2009-08-01 12:32:21 3310] DEBUG (XendDomain:443) Adding Domain: 8 [2009-08-01 12:32:21 3310] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:1703) XendDomainInfo.initDomain: 8 256 [2009-08-01 12:32:21 3310] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:1738) _initDomain:shadow_memory=0x0, memory_static_max=0x10000000, memory_static_min=0x0. [2009-08-01 12:32:21 3310] DEBUG (balloon:132) Balloon: 7754628 KiB free; need 262144; done. [2009-08-01 12:32:21 3310] INFO (image:139) buildDomain os=linux dom=8 vcpus=1 [2009-08-01 12:32:21 3310] DEBUG (image:363) domid = 8 [2009-08-01 12:32:21 3310] DEBUG (image:364) memsize = 256 [2009-08-01 12:32:21 3310] DEBUG (image:365) image /boot/vmlinuz- [2009-08-01 12:32:21 3310] DEBUG (image:366) store_evtchn = 1 [2009-08-01 12:32:21 3310] DEBUG (image:367) console_evtchn = 2 [2009-08-01 12:32:21 3310] DEBUG (image:368) cmdline [2009-08-01 12:32:21 3310] DEBUG (image:369) ramdisk [2009-08-01 12:32:21 3310] DEBUG (image:370) vcpus = 1 [2009-08-01 12:32:21 3310] DEBUG (image:371) features [2009-08-01 12:32:21 3310] INFO (XendDomainInfo:1514) createDevice: vbd : {''uuid'': ''1cf74002-0a8f-7739-2456-dc91d9804a10'', ''bootable'': 1, ''driver'': ''paravirtualised'', ''dev'': ''xvda1'', ''uname'': '''', ''mode'': ''w''} [2009-08-01 12:32:21 3310] DEBUG (DevController:118) DevController: writing {''virtual-device'': ''51713'', ''device-type'': ''disk'', ''protocol'': ''x86_64-abi'', ''backend-id'': ''0'', ''state'': ''1'', ''backend'': ''/local/domain/0/backend/vbd/8/51713''} to /local/domain/8/device/vbd/51713. [2009-08-01 12:32:21 3310] DEBUG (DevController:120) DevController: writing {''domain'': ''thundercat'', ''frontend'': ''/local/domain/8/device/vbd/51713'', ''uuid'': ''1cf74002-0a8f-7739-2456-dc91d9804a10'', ''dev'': ''xvda1'', ''state'': ''1'', ''params'': '''', ''mode'': ''w'', ''online'': ''1'', ''frontend-id'': ''8'', ''type'': ''''} to /local/domain/0/backend/vbd/8/51713. [2009-08-01 12:32:21 3310] INFO (XendDomainInfo:1514) createDevice: vif : {''ip'': ''91.121.*hidden*'', ''mac'': ''00:16:3E:3B:15:97'', ''uuid'': ''37a0b119-90e8-f5bc-f9a9-590fa7d12816''} [2009-08-01 12:32:21 3310] DEBUG (DevController:118) DevController: writing {''mac'': ''00:16:3E:3B:15:97'', ''handle'': ''0'', ''protocol'': ''x86_64-abi'', ''backend-id'': ''0'', ''state'': ''1'', ''backend'': ''/local/domain/0/backend/vif/8/0''} to /local/domain/8/device/vif/0. [2009-08-01 12:32:21 3310] DEBUG (DevController:120) DevController: writing {''domain'': ''thundercat'', ''handle'': ''0'', ''uuid'': ''37a0b119-90e8-f5bc-f9a9-590fa7d12816'', ''script'': ''/etc/xen/scripts/vif-route'', ''ip'': '''', ''mac'': ''00:16:3E:3B:15:97'', ''frontend-id'': ''8'', ''state'': ''1'', ''online'': ''1'', ''frontend'': ''/local/domain/8/device/vif/0''} to /local/domain/0/backend/vif/8/0. [2009-08-01 12:32:21 3310] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:2195) Storing VM details: {''on_xend_stop'': ''ignore'', ''shadow_memory'': ''0'', ''uuid'': ''18411fde-e4f0-cd25-81ca-ab9a1034b632'', ''on_reboot'': ''restart'', ''start_time'': ''1249122741.47'', ''on_poweroff'': ''destroy'', ''on_xend_start'': ''ignore'', ''on_crash'': ''restart'', ''xend/restart_count'': ''0'', ''vcpus'': ''1'', ''vcpu_avail'': ''1'', ''image'': "(linux (kernel /boot/vmlinuz- (notes (HV_START_LOW 18446603336221196288) (FEATURES ''!writable_page_tables|pae_pgdir_above_4gb'') (VIRT_BASE 18446744071562067968) (GUEST_VERSION 2.6) (PADDR_OFFSET 0) (GUEST_OS linux) (HYPERCALL_PAGE 18446744071564201984) (LOADER generic) (SUSPEND_CANCEL 1) (PAE_MODE yes) (ENTRY 18446744071570776576) (XEN_VERSION xen-3.0)))", ''name'': ''thundercat''} [2009-08-01 12:32:21 3310] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:1008) Storing domain details: {''console/ring-ref'': ''2197081'', ''image/entry'': ''18446744071570776576'', ''console/port'': ''2'', ''store/ring-ref'': ''2197082'', ''image/loader'': ''generic'', ''vm'': ''/vm/18411fde-e4f0-cd25-81ca-ab9a1034b632'', ''control/platform-feature-multiprocessor-suspend'': ''1'', ''image/hv-start-low'': ''18446603336221196288'', ''image/guest-os'': ''linux'', ''image/virt-base'': ''18446744071562067968'', ''memory/target'': ''262144'', ''image/guest-version'': ''2.6'', ''image/pae-mode'': ''yes'', ''console/limit'': ''1048576'', ''image/paddr-offset'': ''0'', ''image/hypercall-page'': ''18446744071564201984'', ''image/suspend-cancel'': ''1'', ''cpu/0/availability'': ''online'', ''image/features/pae-pgdir-above-4gb'': ''1'', ''image/features/writable-page-tables'': ''0'', ''console/type'': ''xenconsoled'', ''name'': ''thundercat'', ''domid'': ''8'', ''image/xen-version'': ''xen-3.0'', ''store/port'': ''1''} [2009-08-01 12:32:21 3310] DEBUG (DevController:118) DevController: writing {''protocol'': ''x86_64-abi'', ''state'': ''1'', ''backend-id'': ''0'', ''backend'': ''/local/domain/0/backend/console/8/0''} to /local/domain/8/device/console/0. [2009-08-01 12:32:21 3310] DEBUG (DevController:120) DevController: writing {''domain'': ''thundercat'', ''frontend'': ''/local/domain/8/device/console/0'', ''uuid'': ''eb30a42b-eedd-524e-f98b-4b5932bd1f48'', ''frontend-id'': ''8'', ''state'': ''1'', ''location'': ''2'', ''online'': ''1'', ''protocol'': ''vt100''} to /local/domain/0/backend/console/8/0. [2009-08-01 12:32:21 3310] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:1092) XendDomainInfo.handleShutdownWatch [2009-08-01 12:32:21 3310] DEBUG (DevController:151) Waiting for devices vif. [2009-08-01 12:32:21 3310] DEBUG (DevController:156) Waiting for 0. [2009-08-01 12:32:21 3310] DEBUG (DevController:595) hotplugStatusCallback /local/domain/0/backend/vif/8/0/hotplug-status. [2009-08-01 12:32:21 3310] DEBUG (DevController:595) hotplugStatusCallback /local/domain/0/backend/vif/8/0/hotplug-status. [2009-08-01 12:32:21 3310] DEBUG (DevController:609) hotplugStatusCallback 1. [2009-08-01 12:32:21 3310] DEBUG (DevController:151) Waiting for devices vbd. [2009-08-01 12:32:21 3310] DEBUG (DevController:156) Waiting for 51713. [2009-08-01 12:32:21 3310] DEBUG (DevController:595) hotplugStatusCallback /local/domain/0/backend/vbd/8/51713/hotplug-status. [2009-08-01 12:32:21 3310] DEBUG (DevController:609) hotplugStatusCallback 1. [2009-08-01 12:32:21 3310] DEBUG (DevController:151) Waiting for devices irq. [2009-08-01 12:32:21 3310] DEBUG (DevController:151) Waiting for devices vkbd. [2009-08-01 12:32:21 3310] DEBUG (DevController:151) Waiting for devices vfb. [2009-08-01 12:32:21 3310] DEBUG (DevController:151) Waiting for devices console. [2009-08-01 12:32:21 3310] DEBUG (DevController:156) Waiting for 0. [2009-08-01 12:32:21 3310] DEBUG (DevController:151) Waiting for devices pci. [2009-08-01 12:32:21 3310] DEBUG (DevController:151) Waiting for devices ioports. [2009-08-01 12:32:21 3310] DEBUG (DevController:151) Waiting for devices tap. [2009-08-01 12:32:21 3310] DEBUG (DevController:151) Waiting for devices vtpm. [2009-08-01 12:32:21 3310] INFO (XendDomain:1165) Domain thundercat (8) unpaused. Thanks, Olivier _______________________________________________ Xen-users mailing list Xen-users@lists.xensource.com http://lists.xensource.com/xen-users
well, this xend.log was not the good one, drbd devices was not present in the conf file. so the conf file : kernel = ''/boot/vmlinuz-'' memory = ''256'' root = ''/dev/xvda2 ro'' disk = [ ''drbd:thundercat-swap,xvda1,w'', ''drbd:thundercat-disk,xvda2,w'', ] name = ''thundercat'' vif = [ ''ip=91.121.*hidden*,mac=00:16:3E:3B:15:97'' ] on_poweroff = ''destroy'' on_reboot = ''restart'' on_crash = ''restart'' and the logs : [2009-08-01 12:55:25 3310] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:84) XendDomainInfo.create([''vm'', [''name'', ''thundercat''], [''memory'', ''256''], [''on_poweroff'', ''destroy''], [''on_reboot'', ''restart''], [''on_crash'', ''restart''], [''vcpus'', 1], [''on_xend_start'', ''ignore''], [''on_xend_stop'', ''ignore''], [''image'', [''linux'', [''kernel'', ''/boot/vmlinuz-''], [''root'', ''/dev/xvda2 ro'']]], [''device'', [''vbd'', [''uname'', ''drbd:thundercat-swap''], [''dev'', ''xvda1''], [''mode'', ''w'']]], [''device'', [''vbd'', [''uname'', ''drbd:thundercat-disk''], [''dev'', ''xvda2''], [''mode'', ''w'']]], [''device'', [''vif'', [''ip'', ''91.121.*hidden*''], [''mac'', ''00:16:3E:3B:15:97'']]]]) [2009-08-01 12:55:25 3310] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:1618) XendDomainInfo.constructDomain [2009-08-01 12:55:25 3310] DEBUG (balloon:132) Balloon: 7754636 KiB free; need 2048; done. [2009-08-01 12:55:25 3310] DEBUG (XendDomain:443) Adding Domain: 9 [2009-08-01 12:55:25 3310] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:1703) XendDomainInfo.initDomain: 9 256 [2009-08-01 12:55:25 3310] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:1738) _initDomain:shadow_memory=0x0, memory_static_max=0x10000000, memory_static_min=0x0. [2009-08-01 12:55:25 3310] DEBUG (balloon:132) Balloon: 7754628 KiB free; need 262144; done. [2009-08-01 12:55:25 3310] INFO (image:139) buildDomain os=linux dom=9 vcpus=1 [2009-08-01 12:55:25 3310] DEBUG (image:363) domid = 9 [2009-08-01 12:55:25 3310] DEBUG (image:364) memsize = 256 [2009-08-01 12:55:25 3310] DEBUG (image:365) image = /boot/vmlinuz- [2009-08-01 12:55:25 3310] DEBUG (image:366) store_evtchn = 1 [2009-08-01 12:55:25 3310] DEBUG (image:367) console_evtchn = 2 [2009-08-01 12:55:25 3310] DEBUG (image:368) cmdline = root=/dev/xvda2 ro [2009-08-01 12:55:25 3310] DEBUG (image:369) ramdisk [2009-08-01 12:55:25 3310] DEBUG (image:370) vcpus = 1 [2009-08-01 12:55:25 3310] DEBUG (image:371) features [2009-08-01 12:55:25 3310] INFO (XendDomainInfo:1514) createDevice: vbd : {''uuid'': ''bbfb380e-7c9c-d349-0855-fdbd3a645c77'', ''bootable'': 1, ''driver'': ''paravirtualised'', ''dev'': ''xvda1'', ''uname'': ''drbd:thundercat-swap'', ''mode'': ''w''} [2009-08-01 12:55:25 3310] DEBUG (DevController:118) DevController: writing {''virtual-device'': ''51713'', ''device-type'': ''disk'', ''protocol'': ''x86_64-abi'', ''backend-id'': ''0'', ''state'': ''1'', ''backend'': ''/local/domain/0/backend/vbd/9/51713''} to /local/domain/9/device/vbd/51713. [2009-08-01 12:55:25 3310] DEBUG (DevController:120) DevController: writing {''domain'': ''thundercat'', ''frontend'': ''/local/domain/9/device/vbd/51713'', ''uuid'': ''bbfb380e-7c9c-d349-0855-fdbd3a645c77'', ''dev'': ''xvda1'', ''state'': ''1'', ''params'': ''thundercat-swap'', ''mode'': ''w'', ''online'': ''1'', ''frontend-id'': ''9'', ''type'': ''drbd''} to /local/domain/0/backend/vbd/9/51713. [2009-08-01 12:55:25 3310] INFO (XendDomainInfo:1514) createDevice: vbd : {''uuid'': ''9d22935c-a518-0df9-f61e-bf9b12c65ff4'', ''bootable'': 0, ''driver'': ''paravirtualised'', ''dev'': ''xvda2'', ''uname'': ''drbd:thundercat-disk'', ''mode'': ''w''} [2009-08-01 12:55:25 3310] DEBUG (DevController:118) DevController: writing {''virtual-device'': ''51714'', ''device-type'': ''disk'', ''protocol'': ''x86_64-abi'', ''backend-id'': ''0'', ''state'': ''1'', ''backend'': ''/local/domain/0/backend/vbd/9/51714''} to /local/domain/9/device/vbd/51714. [2009-08-01 12:55:25 3310] DEBUG (DevController:120) DevController: writing {''domain'': ''thundercat'', ''frontend'': ''/local/domain/9/device/vbd/51714'', ''uuid'': ''9d22935c-a518-0df9-f61e-bf9b12c65ff4'', ''dev'': ''xvda2'', ''state'': ''1'', ''params'': ''thundercat-disk'', ''mode'': ''w'', ''online'': ''1'', ''frontend-id'': ''9'', ''type'': ''drbd''} to /local/domain/0/backend/vbd/9/51714. [2009-08-01 12:55:25 3310] INFO (XendDomainInfo:1514) createDevice: vif : {''ip'': ''91.121.*hidden*'', ''mac'': ''00:16:3E:3B:15:97'', ''uuid'': ''a83ea95b-7685-5a07-8536-2c22966a5072''} [2009-08-01 12:55:25 3310] DEBUG (DevController:118) DevController: writing {''mac'': ''00:16:3E:3B:15:97'', ''handle'': ''0'', ''protocol'': ''x86_64-abi'', ''backend-id'': ''0'', ''state'': ''1'', ''backend'': ''/local/domain/0/backend/vif/9/0''} to /local/domain/9/device/vif/0. [2009-08-01 12:55:25 3310] DEBUG (DevController:120) DevController: writing {''domain'': ''thundercat'', ''handle'': ''0'', ''uuid'': ''a83ea95b-7685-5a07-8536-2c22966a5072'', ''script'': ''/etc/xen/scripts/vif-route'', ''ip'': ''91.121.*hidden*'', ''mac'': ''00:16:3E:3B:15:97'', ''frontend-id'': ''9'', ''state'': ''1'', ''online'': ''1'', ''frontend'': ''/local/domain/9/device/vif/0''} to /local/domain/0/backend/vif/9/0. [2009-08-01 12:55:25 3310] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:2195) Storing VM details: {''on_xend_stop'': ''ignore'', ''shadow_memory'': ''0'', ''uuid'': ''70b2c1b6-ab78-db63-b97c-f8fb33a7744f'', ''on_reboot'': ''restart'', ''start_time'': ''1249124125.93'', ''on_poweroff'': ''destroy'', ''on_xend_start'': ''ignore'', ''on_crash'': ''restart'', ''xend/restart_count'': ''0'', ''vcpus'': ''1'', ''vcpu_avail'': ''1'', ''image'': "(linux (kernel /boot/vmlinuz- (args ''root=/dev/xvda2 ro '') (notes (HV_START_LOW 18446603336221196288) (FEATURES ''!writable_page_tables|pae_pgdir_above_4gb'') (VIRT_BASE 18446744071562067968) (GUEST_VERSION 2.6) (PADDR_OFFSET 0) (GUEST_OS linux) (HYPERCALL_PAGE 18446744071564201984) (LOADER generic) (SUSPEND_CANCEL 1) (PAE_MODE yes) (ENTRY 18446744071570776576) (XEN_VERSION xen-3.0)))", ''name'': ''thundercat''} [2009-08-01 12:55:25 3310] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:1008) Storing domain details: {''console/ring-ref'': ''2197081'', ''image/entry'': ''18446744071570776576'', ''console/port'': ''2'', ''store/ring-ref'': ''2197082'', ''image/loader'': ''generic'', ''vm'': ''/vm/70b2c1b6-ab78-db63-b97c-f8fb33a7744f'', ''control/platform-feature-multiprocessor-suspend'': ''1'', ''image/hv-start-low'': ''18446603336221196288'', ''image/guest-os'': ''linux'', ''image/virt-base'': ''18446744071562067968'', ''memory/target'': ''262144'', ''image/guest-version'': ''2.6'', ''image/pae-mode'': ''yes'', ''console/limit'': ''1048576'', ''image/paddr-offset'': ''0'', ''image/hypercall-page'': ''18446744071564201984'', ''image/suspend-cancel'': ''1'', ''cpu/0/availability'': ''online'', ''image/features/pae-pgdir-above-4gb'': ''1'', ''image/features/writable-page-tables'': ''0'', ''console/type'': ''xenconsoled'', ''name'': ''thundercat'', ''domid'': ''9'', ''image/xen-version'': ''xen-3.0'', ''store/port'': ''1''} [2009-08-01 12:55:25 3310] DEBUG (DevController:118) DevController: writing {''protocol'': ''x86_64-abi'', ''state'': ''1'', ''backend-id'': ''0'', ''backend'': ''/local/domain/0/backend/console/9/0''} to /local/domain/9/device/console/0. [2009-08-01 12:55:25 3310] DEBUG (DevController:120) DevController: writing {''domain'': ''thundercat'', ''frontend'': ''/local/domain/9/device/console/0'', ''uuid'': ''c304f0cd-76a8-7f52-1b34-a39cec111209'', ''frontend-id'': ''9'', ''state'': ''1'', ''location'': ''2'', ''online'': ''1'', ''protocol'': ''vt100''} to /local/domain/0/backend/console/9/0. [2009-08-01 12:55:25 3310] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:1092) XendDomainInfo.handleShutdownWatch [2009-08-01 12:55:26 3310] DEBUG (DevController:151) Waiting for devices vif. [2009-08-01 12:55:26 3310] DEBUG (DevController:156) Waiting for 0. [2009-08-01 12:55:26 3310] DEBUG (DevController:595) hotplugStatusCallback /local/domain/0/backend/vif/9/0/hotplug-status. [2009-08-01 12:55:26 3310] DEBUG (DevController:595) hotplugStatusCallback /local/domain/0/backend/vif/9/0/hotplug-status. [2009-08-01 12:55:26 3310] DEBUG (DevController:609) hotplugStatusCallback 1. [2009-08-01 12:55:26 3310] DEBUG (DevController:151) Waiting for devices vbd. [2009-08-01 12:55:26 3310] DEBUG (DevController:156) Waiting for 51713. [2009-08-01 12:55:26 3310] DEBUG (DevController:595) hotplugStatusCallback /local/domain/0/backend/vbd/9/51713/hotplug-status. [2009-08-01 12:55:26 3310] DEBUG (DevController:595) hotplugStatusCallback /local/domain/0/backend/vbd/9/51713/hotplug-status. [2009-08-01 12:55:26 3310] DEBUG (DevController:609) hotplugStatusCallback 1. [2009-08-01 12:55:26 3310] DEBUG (DevController:156) Waiting for 51714. [2009-08-01 12:55:26 3310] DEBUG (DevController:595) hotplugStatusCallback /local/domain/0/backend/vbd/9/51714/hotplug-status. [2009-08-01 12:55:26 3310] DEBUG (DevController:609) hotplugStatusCallback 1. [2009-08-01 12:55:26 3310] DEBUG (DevController:151) Waiting for devices irq. [2009-08-01 12:55:26 3310] DEBUG (DevController:151) Waiting for devices vkbd. [2009-08-01 12:55:26 3310] DEBUG (DevController:151) Waiting for devices vfb. [2009-08-01 12:55:26 3310] DEBUG (DevController:151) Waiting for devices console. [2009-08-01 12:55:26 3310] DEBUG (DevController:156) Waiting for 0. [2009-08-01 12:55:26 3310] DEBUG (DevController:151) Waiting for devices pci. [2009-08-01 12:55:26 3310] DEBUG (DevController:151) Waiting for devices ioports. [2009-08-01 12:55:26 3310] DEBUG (DevController:151) Waiting for devices tap. [2009-08-01 12:55:26 3310] DEBUG (DevController:151) Waiting for devices vtpm. [2009-08-01 12:55:26 3310] INFO (XendDomain:1165) Domain thundercat (9) unpaused. Olivier B. a écrit :> Hi, > > I have a problem with a dom0 which is unable to launch my domU : all my > dom0 are Debian Lenny amd64 with Debian kernel 2.6.26-2-xen-amd64 and > xen-hypervisor-3.2-1-amd64. Then all domU (PV) are Debian Lenny amd64 > too, with vanilla kernel > > So, this new dom0 can''t launch any domU which are working on an other > dom0. Software is same on both dom0, and hardware is near the same. > > When I start the domU, I have this : >> root! nyrki:~# xm create /etc/xen/thundercat.cfg -c >> Using config file "/etc/xen/thundercat.cfg". >> Started domain thundercat > > but the domU seem "freezed" : xm report a "r" status (it always stay in > running status), and there is no error in logs. But console didn''t show > anything. > I repeat, this domU works like a charm on an other dom0. I try with LVM > and DRBD storage, without success. > > From xentop, I saw that : > thundercat -----r 914 100.0 262144 3.1 > 262144 3.1 1 1 0 0 0 0 > 0 0 2149627 > 072 > > Have you an idea where can I found informations about why it is blocking > ? Logs don''t seem really usefull here. I put the content of xend.log > about the last "xm create" : > > [...] > > Thanks, > Olivier > > > _______________________________________________ > Xen-users mailing list > Xen-users@lists.xensource.com > http://lists.xensource.com/xen-users_______________________________________________ Xen-users mailing list Xen-users@lists.xensource.com http://lists.xensource.com/xen-users
So, the problem seem to come from my vanilla kernel : with the Debian kernel domU boot on this dom0. I will try to find where is the problem. The RAID card is different on this dom0, but I was thinking this hadn''t impact for domU. Olivier Olivier B. a écrit :> well, this xend.log was not the good one, drbd devices was not present > in the conf file. > > so the conf file : > kernel = ''/boot/vmlinuz-'' > memory = ''256'' > root = ''/dev/xvda2 ro'' > disk = [ > ''drbd:thundercat-swap,xvda1,w'', > ''drbd:thundercat-disk,xvda2,w'', > ] > name = ''thundercat'' > vif = [ ''ip=91.121.*hidden*,mac=00:16:3E:3B:15:97'' ] > on_poweroff = ''destroy'' > on_reboot = ''restart'' > on_crash = ''restart'' >_______________________________________________ Xen-users mailing list Xen-users@lists.xensource.com http://lists.xensource.com/xen-users
Hi, I added "earlyprintk=xen" in cmdline options to can view kernel messages. Here is the output : Started domain thundercat (early) last_map_addr: 100000000 end: 100000000 (early) No NUMA configuration found (early) Faking a node at 0000000000000000-0000000100000000 (early) Bootmem setup node 0 0000000000000000-0000000100000000 (early) NODE_DATA [0000000000001000 - 0000000000004fff] (early) bootmap [0000000000008000 - 0000000000027fff] pages 20 (early) (5 early reservations) ==> bootmem [0000000000 - 0100000000] (early) #0 [0000000000 - 0000001000] BIOS data page(early) ==> [0000000000 - 0000001000] (early) #1 [0001123000 - 0001130000] XEN PAGETABLES(early) ==> [0001123000 - 0001130000] (early) #2 [0000006000 - 0000008000] TRAMPOLINE(early) ==> [0000006000 - 0000008000] (early) #3 [0000200000 - 000091f838] TEXT DATA BSS(early) ==> [0000200000 - 000091f838] (early) #4 [0001130000 - 0001925000] PGTABLE(early) ==> [0001130000 - 0001925000] (early) Zone PFN ranges: (early) DMA 0x00000000 -> 0x00001000 (early) DMA32 0x00001000 -> 0x00100000 (early) Normal 0x00100000 -> 0x00100000 (early) Movable zone start PFN for each node (early) early_node_map[3] active PFN ranges (early) 0: 0x00000000 -> 0x000000a0 (early) 0: 0x00000100 -> 0x00000920 (early) 0: 0x00001123 -> 0x00100000 (early) SMP: Allowing 1 CPUs, 0 hotplug CPUs (early) No local APIC present (early) PM: Registered nosave memory: 00000000000a0000 - 0000000000100000 (early) PM: Registered nosave memory: 0000000000920000 - 0000000001123000 (early) PCI: Warning: Cannot find a gap in the 32bit address range (early) PCI: Unassigned devices with 32bit resource registers may break! (early) Allocating PCI resources starting at 100200000 (gap: 100100000:400000) (early) NR_CPUS:8 nr_cpumask_bits:8 nr_cpu_ids:1 nr_node_ids:1 (early) PERCPU: Allocating 61440 bytes of per cpu data (early) Built 1 zonelists in Node order, mobility grouping on. Total pages: 1030267 (early) Policy zone: DMA32 (early) Kernel command line: root=/dev/xvda2 ro earlyprintk=xen (early) Initializing CPU#0 (early) invalid opcode: 0000 [#1] (early) SMP (early) (early) last sysfs file: (early) CPU 0 (early) (early) Modules linked in:(early) (early) Pid: 0, comm: swapper Not tainted #1 (early) RIP: e030:[<ffffffff805c34b4>] (early) [<ffffffff805c34b4>] xsave_cntxt_init+0xb5/0x194 (early) RSP: e02b:ffffffff80819e38 EFLAGS: 00010046 (early) RAX: 0000000000000003 RBX: ffffffff80819e44 RCX: 0000000000000000 (early) RDX: 0000000000000000 RSI: 0000000000000003 RDI: 0000000000042620 (early) RBP: ffffffff80819e68 R08: ffffffff80819e38 R09: ffffffff80819e3c (early) R10: 00000000ffffffff R11: 000000000000e710 R12: ffffffff80819e40 (early) R13: ffffffff80819e3c R14: ffffffff80819e38 R15: ffff880001949000 (early) FS: 0000000000000000(0000) GS:ffffffff808cf000(0000) knlGS:0000000000000000 (early) CS: e033 DS: 0000 ES: 0000 CR0: 0000000080050033 (early) CR2: 0000000000000000 CR3: 0000000000201000 CR4: 0000000000002620 (early) DR0: 0000000000000000 DR1: 0000000000000000 DR2: 0000000000000000 (early) DR3: 0000000000000000 DR6: 00000000ffff0ff0 DR7: 0000000000000400 (early) Process swapper (pid: 0, threadinfo ffffffff80818000, task ffffffff80796340) (early) Stack: (early) 0000024000000000(early) 0000000300000240(early) 0000000080050033(early) 0000000000000000(early) (early) ffffffff808cd000(early) 0000000000000005(early) ffffffff80819e78(early) ffffffff805dab4f(early) (early) ffffffff80819e98(early) ffffffff805dabcb(early) ffff88008109e000(early) 00000000ffff8800(early) (early) Call Trace: (early) [<ffffffff805dab4f>] init_thread_xstate+0x12/0x20 (early) [<ffffffff805dabcb>] fpu_init+0x6e/0xbe (early) [<ffffffff805dc728>] cpu_init+0x310/0x33c (early) [<ffffffff808339c5>] trap_init+0x5b0/0x5b7 (early) [<ffffffff8082cb24>] start_kernel+0x1cb/0x365 (early) [<ffffffff8082c2c1>] x86_64_start_reservations+0xac/0xb0 (early) [<ffffffff80832dfd>] xen_start_kernel+0x814/0x823 (early) Code: (early) e9 (early) 30 (early) 00 (early) 00 (early) 00 (early) 04 (early) 00 (early) ff (early) 15 (early) ba (early) be (early) 1d (early) 00 (early) 89 (early) c7 (early) 81 (early) cf (early) 00 (early) 00 (early) 04 (early) 00 (early) ff (early) 15 (early) b4 (early) be (early) 1d (early) 00 (early) 31 (early) c9 (early) 48 (early) 8b (early) 05 (early) c3 (early) 07 (early) 31 (early) 00 (early) 48 (early) 89 (early) c2 (early) 48 (early) c1 (early) ea (early) 20 (early) <0f> (early) 01 (early) d1 (early) c7 (early) 45 (early) dc (early) 0d (early) 00 (early) 00 (early) 00 (early) c7 (early) 45 (early) d4 (early) 00 (early) 00 (early) 00 (early) 00 (early) 48 (early) 89 (early) df (early) 4c (early) (early) RIP (early) [<ffffffff805c34b4>] xsave_cntxt_init+0xb5/0x194 (early) RSP <ffffffff80819e38> (early) ---[ end trace 4eaa2a86a8e2da22 ]--- (early) Kernel panic - not syncing: Attempted to kill the idle task! (early) ------------[ cut here ]------------ (early) WARNING: at kernel/smp.c:329 smp_call_function_many+0x40/0x1f7() (early) Modules linked in:(early) (early) Pid: 0, comm: swapper Tainted: G D #1 (early) Call Trace: (early) [<ffffffff802407b7>] warn_slowpath+0xaf/0xd6 (early) [<ffffffff805e3c3d>] ? _spin_unlock_irqrestore+0x18/0x1c (early) [<ffffffff805e3c3d>] ? _spin_unlock_irqrestore+0x18/0x1c (early) [<ffffffff80240e11>] ? release_console_sem+0x18f/0x1c4 (early) [<ffffffff80241322>] ? vprintk+0x2b9/0x2e6 (early) [<ffffffff802606ff>] smp_call_function_many+0x40/0x1f7 (early) [<ffffffff802608d3>] smp_call_function+0x1d/0x21 (early) [<ffffffff8020e2a2>] xen_smp_send_stop+0x14/0x16 (early) [<ffffffff805e14d5>] panic+0x7d/0x11e (early) [<ffffffff80243a07>] do_exit+0x71/0x67f (early) [<ffffffff802142cd>] oops_end+0x97/0x9c (early) [<ffffffff80214484>] die+0x55/0x5e (early) [<ffffffff80212192>] do_trap+0x115/0x124 (early) [<ffffffff80212551>] do_invalid_op+0x98/0xa1 (early) [<ffffffff805c34b4>] ? xsave_cntxt_init+0xb5/0x194 (early) [<ffffffff805e3c3d>] ? _spin_unlock_irqrestore+0x18/0x1c (early) [<ffffffff805e3c3d>] ? _spin_unlock_irqrestore+0x18/0x1c (early) [<ffffffff80240e11>] ? release_console_sem+0x18f/0x1c4 (early) [<ffffffff8021151b>] invalid_op+0x1b/0x20 (early) [<ffffffff805c34b4>] ? xsave_cntxt_init+0xb5/0x194 (early) [<ffffffff805c34a4>] ? xsave_cntxt_init+0xa5/0x194 (early) [<ffffffff805dab4f>] init_thread_xstate+0x12/0x20 (early) [<ffffffff805dabcb>] fpu_init+0x6e/0xbe (early) [<ffffffff805dc728>] cpu_init+0x310/0x33c (early) [<ffffffff808339c5>] trap_init+0x5b0/0x5b7 (early) [<ffffffff8082cb24>] start_kernel+0x1cb/0x365 (early) [<ffffffff8082c2c1>] x86_64_start_reservations+0xac/0xb0 (early) [<ffffffff80832dfd>] xen_start_kernel+0x814/0x823 (early) ---[ end trace 4eaa2a86a8e2da23 ]--- So I have : > (early) Initializing CPU#0 > (early) invalid opcode: 0000 [#1] (early) SMP (early) Should I consider it has a "CPU bug" ? It''s a Xeon E5405 stepping 10. I don''t think it''s so special, but my other dom0 seems to be Xeon E5405 stepping 6. Olivier PS : is the "xen-devel" list more appropriate ? Olivier B. a écrit :> So, the problem seem to come from my vanilla kernel : with the Debian > kernel domU boot on this dom0. > > I will try to find where is the problem. The RAID card is different on > this dom0, but I was thinking this hadn''t impact for domU. > > Olivier_______________________________________________ Xen-users mailing list Xen-users@lists.xensource.com http://lists.xensource.com/xen-users
Sorry for noise, it is a known bug with 2.6.28 and 2.6.29 vanilla kernels : http://lists.xensource.com/archives/html/xen-bugs/2009-04/msg00005.html So, I have to upgrade to 2.6.30. Olivier _______________________________________________ Xen-users mailing list Xen-users@lists.xensource.com http://lists.xensource.com/xen-users
Hi Olivier. Are you sating: That you are able to create and run DomU''s on one machine (lets call this machine ''A'') but your unable to create any DomU''s on the seemingly problematic machine (let''s call this machine ''B'')? If so, then there either is something your missed in building the B:Dom0, or it is as you say "Software is same on both dom0, and hardware is near the same" that there must be some inhibiting issue with B:Dom0. Concentrating on Machine B: Have you run applications on Machine B without issues before-hand (by that I mean Machine B works without any memory problems or hangs and passes executables like the standard Linux install with > 48 hrs operation, X86 memory tests at least >5 passed, and your confident there is no underlying h/w problem on machine B motherboard or BIOS)? Have you done a comparison between the A:Dom0 (xm dmesg) and the B:Dom0 (xm dmesg) output and see what you can gleam from that (other than the obvious hardware differences)? I assume you using separate physical drives for the file systems on each machine and that your NOT using some sort of NAS, NFS or similar to handle DomU''s storage? Apart from the above: 1> Try reinstalling from starch Xen, but only selecting the most minimal install, with only network administration added. 2> Maybe ensure that machine B, has a up to date BIOS, and that your tested it in line with what I have suggested above. If your unsuccessful in getting a positive result send me a copy of the "dmesg" outputs, a copy of "/proc/cpuinfo", "/proc/interrupts", "/proc/meminfo" from both machines, to my email address, and I''ll see if I can find anything unusual. Cheers. Grahame _______________________________________________ Xen-users mailing list Xen-users@lists.xensource.com http://lists.xensource.com/xen-users
Hi Grahame, thanks for your answer. As I wrote in my last message, I found the cause of the problem : kernel 2.6.28 & 2.6.29 in pv_ops don''t work on Xeon E5405 stepping 10, but works on Xeon E5405 stepping 6 ; it is one of the two difference between my servers (the other is the RAID controller). > http://lists.xensource.com/archives/html/xen-bugs/2009-04/msg00005.html I can identify my problem by adding "earlyprintk=xen" on the kernel cmdline, and so have error messages. So I have to upgrade to a 2.6.30 kernel or stay on the Debian 2.6.26 (which works too). Olivier Grahame Kelly a écrit :> Hi Olivier. > > Are you sating: > > That you are able to create and run DomU''s on one machine (lets call > this machine ''A'') > but your unable to create any DomU''s on the seemingly problematic > machine (let''s call > this machine ''B'')? > > If so, then there either is something your missed in building the > B:Dom0, or it is as you > say "Software is same on both dom0, and hardware is near the same" > that there must > be some inhibiting issue with B:Dom0. > > Concentrating on Machine B: > > Have you run applications on Machine B without issues before-hand (by > that I mean > Machine B works without any memory problems or hangs and passes > executables like > the standard Linux install with > 48 hrs operation, X86 memory tests > at least >5 passed, > and your confident there is no underlying h/w problem on machine B > motherboard or BIOS)? > > Have you done a comparison between the A:Dom0 (xm dmesg) and the > B:Dom0 (xm dmesg) output > and see what you can gleam from that (other than the obvious hardware > differences)? > > I assume you using separate physical drives for the file systems on > each machine and that > your NOT using some sort of NAS, NFS or similar to handle DomU''s storage? > > Apart from the above: > > 1> Try reinstalling from starch Xen, but only selecting the most > minimal install, with only > network administration added. > > 2> Maybe ensure that machine B, has a up to date BIOS, and that your > tested it in line > with what I have suggested above. > > If your unsuccessful in getting a positive result send me a copy of > the "dmesg" outputs, > a copy of "/proc/cpuinfo", "/proc/interrupts", "/proc/meminfo" > from both machines, to my email address, and I''ll see if I can find > anything unusual. > > Cheers. > Grahame > > > > _______________________________________________ > Xen-users mailing list > Xen-users@lists.xensource.com > http://lists.xensource.com/xen-users_______________________________________________ Xen-users mailing list Xen-users@lists.xensource.com http://lists.xensource.com/xen-users