env WINEPREFIX="/home/linux/.wineinstance1" wine env WINEPREFIX="/home/linux/.wineinstance2" wine env WINEPREFIX="/home/linux/.wineinstance3" wine How do I ensure that instance3 is not running? Turn it off and on? i.e. install risky software on trial - but then turn off the instance until next time it is needed for testing? i.e conserve resources by stopping the OS instance. I guess it does not use much until you run an app in that instance after a boot up - but the dotnet stuff is an added risk I guess it is easy to delete the instance but can it be turned off?
Hello, As the name of the project states: "Wine Is Not an Emulator" nor is it a virtual machine. Every time you start an application inside wine the linux kernel is the one that is managing it, therefore simply open your task manager and see if there is any process that has in its command line the wine prefix you are looking for and terminate it. If you use KDE: CTRL+ESC opens the task manager and then type in the search box "wine" and see what you get. If you prefer command line: $>ps -ef | grep wine you can replace "wine" with "wineinstance3" in the above line and get all the processes that run under that prefix. use "kill" and PID to terminate them. Cheers
To test whether anything is running in the prefix: wineserver -k0 To wait for the wine prefix to shut down: wineserver -w To cleanly shut down all the processes in the wine prefix: wineboot --end-session --shutdown --force --kill (Note that wineboot can fail if a program cancels the shutdown process, and unlike the wineserver commands this will also start up the prefix if there isn't anything running.) To kill all programs in the prefix: wineserver -k For all of these commands you will have to set WINEPREFIX to the value you want, of course.