Hey all I've been trying to get some good FPS on this game and I can't seem to get it work decently at all. According to the AppDB for LOTRO a lot of people seem to be able to push out 80-150fps on this game. I don't know how as I've scoured the internet and have tried every possible registry tweak you can imagine. I even tried niceing the process to see if it would make a difference. I'm not sure what else to do and I was hoping I can get some more advice. I don't have a terrible computer so I should be getting at least 60+ fps. What I'm getting is 20-30fps sometimes even less like 12-20fps. It really depends on what's going on. Now if I set the game to the ABSOLUTE lowest possible setting, that is turn off everything and set the textures to low it runs at 60+ fps. However, the game looks terrible! Reminds me of a Playstation 1 game. Anyways I was hoping I can get help with this issue. I don't ever remember it being this bad. I used to be able to play it fine. This only has happened recently so I'm assuming either some Wine updates or a Nvidia driver update that has caused this. I used to have decent FPS. The game used to fly on my computer. Now it's barely playable in crowded locations. I end up dual booting just to play. Please any help or advice would be great! http://xruptor.tripod.com here is a link to my specs :)
Oh I forgot to mention I have the latest Nvidia drivers available to Ubuntu. I don't normally down the run file from Nvidia since I've been told it's a bit unstable to do so. Instead I use the ones found on the latest xswat release :) Version 280.13
Anyone? No advice at all? This is a sad day indeed :(
@jjmckenzie: First thanks for taking the time to post a reply. It's much appreciated. I'm aware of the loss in FPS due to the DirectX conversion. What I don't understand is how some individuals are getting greater if not insane amount of FPS over what I have. I have from what I seen, compared most of their systems and it's similar to mine. So I should be getting relatively the same FPS. 1) Ubuntu 11.10 64bit (Unity Dashboard) 2) Nvidia Geforce GTX 260 (Proprietary driver version 285.05.09) 3) The settings can be found below ;) Please note I've tried several different methods of improving the FPS. The closest I got was literally putting everything at the lowest possible setting. However, it makes the game looks terrible. Code: [UI] StatTreeShowAllStats=True BankRepositoryCharacterItemDisplayShowText=False FloatyTextScale=1.00 MapQuestListXScreenPercentage=0.00 FloatyTextOnTop=False MapQuestListYScreenPercentage=0.68 BankRepositoryAccountItemDisplayShowText=True [Misc] PlayedIntroMovie=True TooltipEnable=True TooltipDelay=0.30 [International] UseIME=False [Display] SyncToRefresh=True AllowWindowResizing=True FixedOutputScaling=Default WindowedResolution=1920x1080 ConfineFullScreenMouseCursor=True AllowFakeFullScreen=False ForceFakeFullScreen=False FullScreen=False RefreshRate=60hz TripleBuffering=False AllowDesktopCompositing=False Antialiasing=2x Resolution=1920x1080 [Sound] AmbientVolume=0.80 SoundVolume=0.75 DMTextVolume=0.60 SoundProvider=OpenAL CombatVolume=0.70 MaxPlayingSounds=64 MusicVolume=0.45 SoundFeatures=X-Fi Titanium series [EMU20k2] Analog Surround 4.1 via PulseAudio UIVolume=0.90 EAXEnabled=True PlayerMusicVolume=0.78 VOVolume=0.60 SoundDisabled=False MusicDisabled=False MasterVolume=1.00 PersistentSound=False [WebBrowser] HttpsProxyPort=0 HttpProxyPort=0 HttpProxyHostInitialConfigDone=True HttpsProxyHost[Render] MemoryUsage=0.70 ModelDetail=High EnvironmentStencilShadows=False OverbrightBloomFilter=False BlobShadows=False VideoPostEffects=True FarLandscapeNormalMaps=True GraphicsCore=D3D9 Contrast=1.00 SurfaceReflections=Low AmbientOcclusion=True BlurFilterQuality=Medium MaterialDetail=High D3DVersionPromptedForAtStartup=10 DistantImposters=True AllowGammaChanges=True InteractiveWater=Low GlowMapping=True AnimationDetail=Medium ObjectDrawDistance=Medium TextureDetail=High AtmosphericsDetail=Medium AnisotropicQuality=4 MultiPassLighting=True AmbientLightBoost=0.06 MaxHardwareClass=0 Brightness=1.00 BloomIntensity=0.68 LandscapeLightingQuality=Low ShadowMapQuality=0 LandscapeStaticObjectShadows=Medium DisplayAdapter=0 PlayerCrowdQuality=0.50 FrillDistance=Medium HavePromptedForD3D10AtStartup=False EnablePortraits=True SpecularLighting=True LandscapeShoreEffects=High TextureFiltering=Sharp AlphaToCoverage=False StencilShadows=Disabled MeshCombining=True AspectRatio=Auto LandscapeDrawDistance=High Gamma=1.00 [Input] TurnKeySpeed=150.00 InvertMouseLookYAxis=False MouseLookSensitivity=0.10 JoystickDeadZone=0.25 PitchKeySpeed=60.00 MouseLookSmoothingAmount=0.00 [Voice] DevicePlayback=B8BEB4E3-7748-4A7A-9FBF-654A836EA4E1 DeviceCapture=0E610BD1-2444-498C-9959-4A0CC225820E MicVolume=1.00 NetworkLatencyThresh=250 HandsFree=False MicCaptureThreshold=1.00 VoiceVolume=1.00 [Camera] AlignToSlope=False ResetYawWhenPlayerMoves=False [Net] BindInterfaceComputeUniquePort=True ConnectionSpeed=0.00 UserSpecifiedPort=0 [Troubleshooting] MaximumFrameRate=121 EngineSpeed=VeryHigh [HttpProxy] HttpProxyHttpProxyBypassHttpProxyAccess=preconfig HttpProxyAuthenticate=False HttpProxyUsernameHttpProxyPassword[UI] FloatyTextScale=1.00 FloatyTextOnTop=False StatTreeShowAllStats=False BankRepositoryCharacterItemDisplayShowText=True MapQuestListXScreenPercentage=0.00 MapQuestListYScreenPercentage=0.68 BankRepositoryAccountItemDisplayShowText=True [CullSystem] UseHardwareOcclusion=False