I have recently moved from Ubuntu 10.04 to Mint 11 Katya and installed Wine 1.2.2 using software manager. I have the original dayplan.exe files and dll files from the Norton Desktop program that was designed to run without an installer from Win 3.1 . For me this program has worked in all versions of Windows including XP and when running Wine in Ubuntu 10.04 it also worked. Now when I double click the exe I get an error message saying winedvm,exe must close and then the following diagnostic- 0000001c 0 0000001d wineconsole.exe 0000001e 0 0000001f explorer.exe 00000020 0 Backtrace: =>0 0x7e9f7310 in libfontconfig.so.1 (+0x7310) (0x005ae1f8) 1 0x7e9f8382 FcConfigSubstituteWithPat+0x191() in libfontconfig.so.1 (0 0000001d wineconsole.exe 0000001e 0 0000001f explorer.exe 00000020 0 Backtrace: =>0 0x7e9f7310 in libfontconfig.so.1 (+0x7310) (0x005ae1f8) 1 0x7e9f8382 FcConfigSubstituteWithPat+0x191() in libfontconfig.so.1 (0x005ae278) 0000001e 0 0000001f explorer.exe 00000020 0 Backtrace: =>0 0x7e9f7310 in libfontconfig.so.1 (+0x7310) (0x005ae1f8) 1 0x7e9f8382 FcConfigSubstituteWithPat+0x191() in libfontconfig.so.1 (0x005ae278) 2 0x7e9f88e7 FcConfigSubstitute+0x26() in libfontconfig.so.1 (0x005ae29 0000001f explorer.exe 00000020 0 Backtrace: =>0 0x7e9f7310 in libfontconfig.so.1 (+0x7310) (0x005ae1f8) 1 0x7e9f8382 FcConfigSubstituteWithPat+0x191() in libfontconfig.so.1 (0x005ae278) 2 0x7e9f88e7 FcConfigSubstitute+0x26() in libfontconfig.so.1 (0x005ae298) 3 0x7e99a057 X11DRV_XRender_SelectFont+0xbd6() in winex11 (0x005ae438) 00000020 0 Backtrace: =>0 0x7e9f7310 in libfontconfig.so.1 (+0x7310) (0x005ae1f8) 1 0x7e9f8382 FcConfigSubstituteWithPat+0x191() in libfontconfig.so.1 (0x005ae278) 2 0x7e9f88e7 FcConfigSubstitute+0x26() in libfontconfig.so.1 (0x005ae298) 3 0x7e99a057 X11DRV_XRender_SelectFont+0xbd6() in winex11 (0x005ae438) 4 0x7e992b23 X11DRV_SelectFont+0xac2() in winex11 (0x005ae558) Backtrace: =>0 0x7e9f7310 in libfontconfig.so.1 (+0x7310) (0x005ae1f8) 1 0x7e9f8382 FcConfigSubstituteWithPat+0x191() in libfontconfig.so.1 (0x005ae278) 2 0x7e9f88e7 FcConfigSubstitute+0x26() in libfontconfig.so.1 (0x005ae298) 3 0x7e99a057 X11DRV_XRender_SelectFont+0xbd6() in winex11 (0x005ae438) 4 0x7e992b23 X11DRV_SelectFont+0xac2() in winex11 (0x005ae558) 5 0x7ebfe6b3 in gdi32 (+0x2e6b2) (0x005ae5c8) =>0 0x7e9f7310 in libfontconfig.so.1 (+0x7310) (0x005ae1f8) 1 0x7e9f8382 FcConfigSubstituteWithPat+0x191() in libfontconfig.so.1 (0x005ae278) 2 0x7e9f88e7 FcConfigSubstitute+0x26() in libfontconfig.so.1 (0x005ae298) 3 0x7e99a057 X11DRV_XRender_SelectFont+0xbd6() in winex11 (0x005ae438) 4 0x7e992b23 X11DRV_SelectFont+0xac2() in winex11 (0x005ae558) 5 0x7ebfe6b3 in gdi32 (+0x2e6b2) (0x005ae5c8) 6 0x7ec14eb2 SelectObject+0xb1() in gdi32 (0x005ae618) 1 0x7e9f8382 FcConfigSubstituteWithPat+0x191() in libfontconfig.so.1 (0x005ae278) 2 0x7e9f88e7 FcConfigSubstitute+0x26() in libfontconfig.so.1 (0x005ae298) 3 0x7e99a057 X11DRV_XRender_SelectFont+0xbd6() in winex11 (0x005ae438) 4 0x7e992b23 X11DRV_SelectFont+0xac2() in winex11 (0x005ae558) 5 0x7ebfe6b3 in gdi32 (+0x2e6b2) (0x005ae5c8) 6 0x7ec14eb2 SelectObject+0xb1() in gdi32 (0x005ae618) 7 0x7e7115fa SelectObject16+0x19() in gdi.exe16 (0x005ae638) 78) 2 0x7e9f88e7 FcConfigSubstitute+0x26() in libfontconfig.so.1 (0x005ae298) 3 0x7e99a057 X11DRV_XRender_SelectFont+0xbd6() in winex11 (0x005ae438) 4 0x7e992b23 X11DRV_SelectFont+0xac2() in winex11 (0x005ae558) 5 0x7ebfe6b3 in gdi32 (+0x2e6b2) (0x005ae5c8) 6 0x7ec14eb2 SelectObject+0xb1() in gdi32 (0x005ae618) 7 0x7e7115fa SelectObject16+0x19() in gdi.exe16 (0x005ae638) 8 0x7e70d5d6 in gdi.exe16 (+0xd5d5) (0x005ae648) 2 0x7e9f88e7 FcConfigSubstitute+0x26() in libfontconfig.so.1 (0x005ae298) 3 0x7e99a057 X11DRV_XRender_SelectFont+0xbd6() in winex11 (0x005ae438) 4 0x7e992b23 X11DRV_SelectFont+0xac2() in winex11 (0x005ae558) 5 0x7ebfe6b3 in gdi32 (+0x2e6b2) (0x005ae5c8) 6 0x7ec14eb2 SelectObject+0xb1() in gdi32 (0x005ae618) 7 0x7e7115fa SelectObject16+0x19() in gdi.exe16 (0x005ae638) 8 0x7e70d5d6 in gdi.exe16 (+0xd5d5) (0x005ae648) 9 0x7eaeaf5e in krnl386.exe16 (+0xaf5d) (0x005ae678) 3 0x7e99a057 X11DRV_XRender_SelectFont+0xbd6() in winex11 (0x005ae438) 4 0x7e992b23 X11DRV_SelectFont+0xac2() in winex11 (0x005ae558) 5 0x7ebfe6b3 in gdi32 (+0x2e6b2) (0x005ae5c8) 6 0x7ec14eb2 SelectObject+0xb1() in gdi32 (0x005ae618) 7 0x7e7115fa SelectObject16+0x19() in gdi.exe16 (0x005ae638) 8 0x7e70d5d6 in gdi.exe16 (+0xd5d5) (0x005ae648) 9 0x7eaeaf5e in krnl386.exe16 (+0xaf5d) (0x005ae678) 10 0x11ff:0x7744 (0x123f:0x39ca) 4 0x7e992b23 X11DRV_SelectFont+0xac2() in winex11 (0x005ae558) 5 0x7ebfe6b3 in gdi32 (+0x2e6b2) (0x005ae5c8) 6 0x7ec14eb2 SelectObject+0xb1() in gdi32 (0x005ae618) 7 0x7e7115fa SelectObject16+0x19() in gdi.exe16 (0x005ae638) 8 0x7e70d5d6 in gdi.exe16 (+0xd5d5) (0x005ae648) 9 0x7eaeaf5e in krnl386.exe16 (+0xaf5d) (0x005ae678) 10 0x11ff:0x7744 (0x123f:0x39ca) 11 0x11e7:0x705f (0x123f:0x3a4c) 5 0x7ebfe6b3 in gdi32 (+0x2e6b2) (0x005ae5c8) 6 0x7ec14eb2 SelectObject+0xb1() in gdi32 (0x005ae618) 7 0x7e7115fa SelectObject16+0x19() in gdi.exe16 (0x005ae638) 8 0x7e70d5d6 in gdi.exe16 (+0xd5d5) (0x005ae648) 9 0x7eaeaf5e in krnl386.exe16 (+0xaf5d) (0x005ae678) 10 0x11ff:0x7744 (0x123f:0x39ca) 11 0x11e7:0x705f (0x123f:0x3a4c) 12 0x11f7:0x01d5 (0x123f:0x3da0) 6 0x7ec14eb2 SelectObject+0xb1() in gdi32 (0x005ae618) 7 0x7e7115fa SelectObject16+0x19() in gdi.exe16 (0x005ae638) 8 0x7e70d5d6 in gdi.exe16 (+0xd5d5) (0x005ae648) 9 0x7eaeaf5e in krnl386.exe16 (+0xaf5d) (0x005ae678) 10 0x11ff:0x7744 (0x123f:0x39ca) 11 0x11e7:0x705f (0x123f:0x3a4c) 12 0x11f7:0x01d5 (0x123f:0x3da0) 13 0x11df:0x12f9 (0x123f:0x3eb8) 7 0x7e7115fa SelectObject16+0x19() in gdi.exe16 (0x005ae638) 8 0x7e70d5d6 in gdi.exe16 (+0xd5d5) (0x005ae648) 9 0x7eaeaf5e in krnl386.exe16 (+0xaf5d) (0x005ae678) 10 0x11ff:0x7744 (0x123f:0x39ca) 11 0x11e7:0x705f (0x123f:0x3a4c) 12 0x11f7:0x01d5 (0x123f:0x3da0) 13 0x11df:0x12f9 (0x123f:0x3eb8) 14 0x11ff:0x8ff2 (0x123f:0x3ed0) 8 0x7e70d5d6 in gdi.exe16 (+0xd5d5) (0x005ae648) 9 0x7eaeaf5e in krnl386.exe16 (+0xaf5d) (0x005ae678) 10 0x11ff:0x7744 (0x123f:0x39ca) 11 0x11e7:0x705f (0x123f:0x3a4c) 12 0x11f7:0x01d5 (0x123f:0x3da0) 13 0x11df:0x12f9 (0x123f:0x3eb8) 14 0x11ff:0x8ff2 (0x123f:0x3ed0) 15 0x1207:0x1521 (0x123f:0x3ee2) 9 0x7eaeaf5e in krnl386.exe16 (+0xaf5d) (0x005ae678) 10 0x11ff:0x7744 (0x123f:0x39ca) 11 0x11e7:0x705f (0x123f:0x3a4c) 12 0x11f7:0x01d5 (0x123f:0x3da0) 13 0x11df:0x12f9 (0x123f:0x3eb8) 14 0x11ff:0x8ff2 (0x123f:0x3ed0) 15 0x1207:0x1521 (0x123f:0x3ee2) 16 0x1207:0x00c8 (0x123f:0x0000) 10 0x11ff:0x7744 (0x123f:0x39ca) 11 0x11e7:0x705f (0x123f:0x3a4c) 12 0x11f7:0x01d5 (0x123f:0x3da0) 13 0x11df:0x12f9 (0x123f:0x3eb8) 14 0x11ff:0x8ff2 (0x123f:0x3ed0) 15 0x1207:0x1521 (0x123f:0x3ee2) 16 0x1207:0x00c8 (0x123f:0x0000) 11 0x11e7:0x705f (0x123f:0x3a4c) 12 0x11f7:0x01d5 (0x123f:0x3da0) 13 0x11df:0x12f9 (0x123f:0x3eb8) 14 0x11ff:0x8ff2 (0x123f:0x3ed0) 15 0x1207:0x1521 (0x123f:0x3ee2) 16 0x1207:0x00c8 (0x123f:0x0000) If anyone can make sense of what is going wrong, I would appreciate it. I have been running this application since 1993 and have all my work history and phone contacts in this format so it would be great to have it work in WINE again. Thanlks Michael
On Wed, Sep 14, 2011 at 12:29 AM, digcity <wineforum-user at winehq.org> wrote:> I have recently moved from Ubuntu 10.04 to Mint 11 Katya and installed Wine 1.2.2 using software manager. I have the > original dayplan.exe files and dll files from the Norton Desktop program that was designed to run without an installer from > Win 3.1 . > > For me this program has worked in all versions of Windows including XP and when running Wine in Ubuntu 10.04 it also > worked. Now when I double click the exe I get an error message saying winedvm,exe must close and then the following > diagnostic-The data dump is not sufficient to determine why this program terminated. Please run the program from the Terminal and create a logging file per the instructions at wiki.winehq.org/FAQ#run_from_terminal and wiki.winehq.org/FAQ#get_log If the file is large (> 2Kib) then please post it to a pastebin.com like site (Ubuntu has its own 'pastie' site) and provide ONLY the URL in this thread. Thank you. James
Installed 1.3.28 . Problem remains the same unfortunately
yes James, the pastie was a copy paste of the full log.txt file generated from the terminal launch of the dayplan.exe.
I redid the log.txt since upgrading to 1.3.28 but it seems the same to me. paste.ubuntu.com/690478
> > Code: > =>0 0x7e9b3310 in libfontconfig.so.1 (+0x7310) (0x006adec8) > 1 0x7e9b4382 FcConfigSubstituteWithPat+0x191() in libfontconfig.so.1 (0x006adf48) > 2 0x7e9b48e7 FcConfigSubstitute+0x26() in libfontconfig.so.1 (0x006adf68) > 3 0x7e951942 X11DRV_XRender_SelectFont+0xc31(physDev=0x140690, hfont=0x928) [/build/buildd/wine1.3-1.3.28/dlls/winex11.drv/xrender.c:932] in winex11 (0x006ae108) > 4 0x7e948855 X11DRV_SelectFont+0xdf4(dev=0x140690, hfont=0x928, gdiFont=0x185728) [/build/buildd/wine1.3-1.3.28/dlls/winex11.drv/xfont.c:3242] in winex11 (0x006ae558) > 5 0x7ebebfa7 FONT_SelectObject+0x96(handle=0x928, hdc=0x5d0) [/build/buildd/wine1.3-1.3.28/dlls/gdi32/font.c:546] in gdi32 (0x006ae5c8) > 6 0x7ec02dcb SelectObject+0xba(hdc=0x5d0, hObj=0x928) [/build/buildd/wine1.3-1.3.28/dlls/gdi32/gdiobj.c:1112] in gdi32 (0x006ae618) > 7 0x7e6b45fa SelectObject16+0x19(hdc=0x5d0, handle=0x928) [/build/buildd/wine1.3-1.3.28/dlls/gdi.exe16/gdi.c:1101] in gdi.exe16 (0x006ae638) > 8 0x7e6b05da in gdi.exe16 (+0x105d9) (0x006ae648) > >Another user recently posted pretty much the same backtrace, only it was for a different app, and it was on Ubuntu 10.04, which you said worked for your app. forum.winehq.org/viewtopic.php?t=13417 What version of fontconfig are you using, and is it an Ubuntu package? Also, what graphics card and driver? One thing I can think of to try is winetricks fontfix. Ubuntu (and possibly Linux Mint?) installs some nonconformant ttf fonts that can cause Wine to crash. The other thing I would suggest is to try Wine from git (or wait for 1.3.29); a lot of changes to winex11 have been committed in the last couple of days.