I have a couple of problems. [img] [Image: http://i79.photobucket.com/albums/j129/rvdstunner/Screenshot.png ] [Image: http://i79.photobucket.com/albums/j129/rvdstunner/Screenshot-1.png ] [Image: http://i79.photobucket.com/albums/j129/rvdstunner/Screenshot2.png ] (this is all in fullscreen, I took pic's in minimized state to capture screen image (since alt prt sc is not working) Okay so I enter Audio Surf and every thing is cool. Then when I click a mode I go to a screen (as shown in the image) and all of the text is jacked up. Then I open file popup browser, I select the song I want and then my a black/jacked up screen is shown (as seen in the pics)... I have Intel Chip Card and have ran AudioSurf before on my old os (removed windows). Why is this not working?