On 6/5/11 9:27 PM, drunk_sob wrote:> vitamin wrote:
>> JeZ-l-Lee wrote:
>>> Run Game In Separate X Server?
>> Start X for a separate display then run games there. The simplest way
to do both at the same time is:
>> Code:
>> xinit /usr/bin/wine game.exe -- :1
> thats great ty...but where do u put the code in the terminal? geting sick
of all linux forums being so rtfm I WOULD GLADLY READ THE MANUAL IF SOME 1 COULD
POINT ME TO IT.in the mean time ill just sick this code where the sun dont shine
Linux does come with a whole bunch of manuals. If you are told "Go read
the manuals" that is because you really should. Forum support is mostly
volunteer and folks do have other things to do. Take time to read
through what you are being told. Also, learn to use the copy + paste
function. That is what you are being told. Not everything can nor
should be done through a GUI.
James McKenzie