I am using Ubuntu 10.10 64bit + Wine 1.3.17. I have an Ati mobility radeon 5470
video card with the proprietary driver. I have installed Settlers II 10th
anniversary, the game starts, the intros are perfect. But the game itself
looking weird.
There are no trees, no people, no buildings, only the footprint of the building
are visible.
[Image: http://img846.imageshack.us/img846/1633/err01.jpg ]
Those planks supposed to be moved by people.
I tried the following in wine, nothing worked:
In the registry HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Wine/Direct3D
I setup the following.
DirectDrawRenderer opengl
RenderTargetLockMode readdraw
StrictDrawOrdering enabled
Actually I tried only with the opengl setting but that did not worked that is
the reason why I have added more settings.
Can anybody help?
Thanks in advance.