Hello, I have a application that simply ask our Microsoft windows 2003 server AD if user is a valid user of the domain or not .... I am trying to run it under wine but it does not works ... it crash a when my code call the function ... I have installed MDAC28 ... and others ... but does support wine this? Thanks a lot Code: // Create objects adoCommand = Create OLEObject adoConnection = Create OLEObject adoRootDSE = Create OLEObject // Setup ADO objects li_rc = adoCommand.ConnectToNewObject("ADODB.Command") If f_Ldap_ConnectError(li_rc, "ADODB.Command") Then Return FALSE li_rc = adoConnection.ConnectToNewObject("ADODB.Connection") If f_Ldap_ConnectError(li_rc, "ADODB.Connection") Then Return FALSE adoConnection.Provider = "ADsDSOObject" //Conexi?n con autentificaci?n de usuario adoConnection.Properties("User ID", ls_user) adoConnection.Properties("Password", ls_pass) adoConnection.Open("Active Directory Provider") adoCommand.ActiveConnection = adoConnection [/code]