I'm wondering what's wrong with the follwoing command : tfoerste at n22 ~ $ wine regedit ~/Wine/dpi.reg regedit: setValue failed to open key System\CurrentControlSet\Hardware Profiles\Current\Software\Fonts tfoerste at n22 ~ $ cat Wine/dpi.reg [System\CurrentControlSet\Hardware Profiles\Current\Software\Fonts] "LogPixels"=dword:00000073 Pls reply to me too I'm not subscribed to this list. TIA -- MfG/Sincerely Toralf F?rster pgp finger print: 7B1A 07F4 EC82 0F90 D4C2 8936 872A E508 7DB6 9DA3
Toralf F??rster wrote:> tfoerste at n22 ~ $ cat Wine/dpi.reg > [System\CurrentControlSet\Hardware Profiles\Current\Software\Fonts]Wrong path. Should be [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Hardware Profiles\Current\Software\Fonts] Toralf F??rster wrote:> Pls reply to me too I'm not subscribed to this list.I'm not using ML. I'm using forum: http://forum.winehq.org/index.php
Possibly Parallel Threads
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