2010-Dec-14 07:54 UTC
[Wine] Plz Help Problem running Oracle6i Forms in Wine under Ubuntu
AOA Dear friends I have just manged to install Oracle 6i runtime environment through wine under Ubuntu 10.10. I have also installed Net80 products from Oracle6i CD. Actually I have to run some oracle6i Applications under Ubuntu10.10 through wine. When I open the application via ifrun60.exe then the form comes correctly but it is not connecting with database although I have one correct entry in TNSNAMES.ORA. My TNSNAMES.ORA. contains: estab = (DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS_LIST = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP) (Host = (Port = 1521) ) ) (CONNECT_DATA = (SID = misdata) ) ) So please guys what I have to do to configure the TNS settings. Thanks in advance.
2010-Dec-16 11:45 UTC
[Wine] Re: Plz Help Problem running Oracle6i Forms in Wine under Ubuntu
At last I have figured out myself. The solution is that you have to install TCP/IP option under Net80 in the Oracle installation CD. Secondly you should have one TNS defination in TNSNAMES.ORA file. By doing this oracle form runs successfully but the application doesnot call other forms. When the other form is called from the inteface then it came back to same point. If anybody knows about this problem then please share it.